Mephilver: Helping Hands

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"Silver... SILVER..." Mephiles called. It was late at night, and out of nowhere, he'd gotten an awful stomach ache, and he wanted Silver to rub his tummy. Normally, he wouldn't ask for that, but today he could make an exception. This was a really bad pain; it had gotten to the point where tears were falling.

And no, he was not pregnant.

When Silver got to the den where Mephiles was, he found his boyfriend on the floor, holding his stomach. Mephiles rarely had any pain, so when he did, Silver would get terrified.

"Oh no. Mephiles, what happened?" He asked, helping the dark figure sit up.

"I must've eaten something. Or caught a bug." Of course, Mephiles didn't believe himself. Every month, for up to three days, he'd have cramps.

I know what you're thinking, and no, Mephiles doesn't have a period. However this is similar: at this time of the month, he'd have mood swings, crave sweets, and have stomach cramps. But instead of blood being involved, his cramps would be ten times worse than normal ones.

"Mephiles, be honest. Is it that time of the month again?" Silver asked, still supporting Mephiles.

But the the dark figure quickly became frustrated at this. Though he was still in pain, he sat up and scooted a bit away from Silver. Then he snapped, "Why is it that whenever my stomach hurts, that's what you guess? I could just be sick, again!"

"Then, why the mood swing?"


At this, Silver went quiet as his eyes went went wide. It was only for two seconds though, as he knew that it was the pain (and not Mephiles) talking. So, Silver offered a hand and gave an inviting smile.

Mephiles looked from Silver's face to his hand. Instead of immediately taking it, he crawled to his ivory boyfriend and put his arms around his neck. A mouth appeared on his muzzle, and he gave Silver kisses on the cheek as he brung his legs across Silver's. Mephiles laid his head on the pillow of soft fur on Silver's chest as Silver rubbed circles on Mephiles' lower back.

When he was comfortable, Mephiles looked up and made puppy eyes at Silver and said quietly, "I'm sorry."

Silver smiled at him and hugged him closer. "It's okay, Mephy-poo." he said, kissing Mephiles' ears.

Mephiles' pale muzzle blushed light purple and he smiled when he heard his pet name.  (Quick A/N: in fanfics, Mephiles has purple blood. So to me, it makes sense that he'd blush purple. Science!)  Against Silver's warm body and Silver massaging his back (and maybe his butt, too), Mephiles was comfy enough to fall asleep.

The feeling didn't last long though, because he soon felt the pain of something like knives stabbing inside of his stomach.

Mephiles gave a cry of agony and began crying into Silver's chest. He was silently begging for the pain to end.

Then, Silver remembered something that he'd been working on. He pressed a tiny button on the wristband of his free hand and watched the blue markings on it begin glowing. Gently, he put the same hand on Mephiles' cramping stomach.

Still tearful, Mephiles jumped at feeling Silver's glove. He swatted it away from him, not wanting to risk any more pain.

It didn't phase the ivory hedgehog. Rubbing Mephiles' back at a soothing speed, he cooed, "Mephiles, it's okay. If anything, this should help with the pain. I'm not gonna hurt you."

Mephiles sniffled. He really didn't want to risk more of his torturous pain. However, despite sometimes seeming silly, Silver's ideas tended to work. Plus, he couldn't think of anything that would be better than having his boyfriend touch him.

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