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I didnt proofread this cause its 4:45 in the mornin' so sorry if there's errors

delicate snores came from between the plump pink lips of the seventeen year old boy. he had been dreaming of a place where all of his worries seemingly melted away and things just were simply slower, making every precious moment one to last. in his dream there was a figure; one that was just slightly taller than him and radiated the feeling of complete protection from anything that dared to try to harm the brunette. the figure had a soft pink glow to it but no matter how hard tyler tried, he just couldn't see his face. he was about to speak, and ask the figure for his name, when the maddening sound of his alarm clock stirred him from his tranquil slumber.

tyler pushed his blankets off of his legs before doing a little stretch, making little squeaks of pleasure as he urged his bones to wake up. he smiled softly to himself, recalling his dream, albeit he was quite vexed that he couldn't put a face to the being who gifted him feeling of complete serenity. the brunette eventually pulled himself from the warmth of his bed and began readying himself for the day. he decided on a light grey floral skirt paired with a black halter top and white vans. he applied a light coat of mascara and a soft pink lip gloss before messing with his brown locks. once he was mildly satisfied with the results he skipped down stairs to the kitchen where he saw his mother and his two brothers.

"mornin' momma" the brunette spoke softly before placing a delicate peck to her cheek.

"morning sweet pea, you look lovely today"

a smile quickly found its way across the boy's lips before thanking her quietly.

"just remember t, no boyfriends, i don't wanna have to beat up anyone but you're far too good for any teenage dirt bag." zack chuckled before taking the last bite of his breakfast and placing his plate in the sink.

"awe c'mon zacky i can't be alone forever!"

"course not bub. but any man that dates my little brother is going to have to withstand multiple tests that even the most highly trained professionals cannot complete."

tyler giggled at zack's protectiveness, even though at times he could get a bit carried away, he was incredibly grateful to have a family that not only accepted him but also encouraged him to be himself.

"alright guys i gotta get goin' m'gonna stop and get me and bren starbucks on the way to school." tyler grabbed his bag and keys before placing a kiss on each of his family member's cheeks and yelling a goodbye over his shoulder.


tyler arrived at school, seeing an enthusiastic looking brendon standing by his car. tyler grabbed his things and brendon's drink before locking his car and walking over to the boy.

"hi brenny, what's got you all excited?" tyler asked before handing the taller boy his coffee.

"ohhhh nothin'... just the fact that there's a new kid who's insanely attractive and a total bad boy... well at least that's what i heard anyways.... i haven't seen him yet."

tyler giggled at the easily excitable boy before taking a sip of his pink strawberry lemonade.

"just what this school needs, another frickboy to get all the girls hot and bothered"

brendon snorted at that before rolling his eyes.

"tyler the term is fuckboy not frickboy"

the smaller boy just narrowed his eyes and glared at the vulgar word.

"brendon boyd urie i do not use that type of language and you're lucky I don't kick your butt for using it."

brendon opened his mouth to speak when he was cut off by the sound of a loud ....street bike?

tyler's eyes widened when the bike pulled into the parking spot right next to them and turned off it's engine. the boy secured the bike before hopping off and adjusting his jacket and backpack. tyler quickly felt all of the air leave his lungs as the biker pulled his helmet off and revealed a head of  curly, soft, fluffy, pink hair. his eyes slowly made their way down from the locks and was met with a pair of mocha (don't) eyes. tyler's face quickly heated up when he realized that he had been staring at the stranger but it was as if he was frozen in place and couldn't bring himself to tear his eyes away. the stranger quickly noticed the eyes that were seemingly glued to him before a cocky smirk dragged it's way across his smug face. he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it and walking past the two boys, he shot tyler a wink before making his way to the main doors and getting lost in the crowd of teenagers. brendon, who had just witnessed all of this happen sat there grinning and giggling like an idiot.

"t you're as red as a tomato"

"shut it brenny."

but tyler knew it already.

he was so totally fricked.

A/N: Hi!!! So you know ya girl likes to be vulgar as heck when she writes her smut (if you've never read my smut before you should go follow my tumblr damnsmutbroh) so lil ty guy not swearin' is only temporary. m'not gonna spoil nothin' but the description of the story is a pretty good hint. I really want this story to do good and I want to try to keep up with it so please let me know if there's somethin' that you guys dont like or if you notice somethin' that doesn't make sense ♥ I love youuuuu ♥

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