Chapter 15

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I came out of the bathroom and Damon was standing there.
"Now we know why your stomach hurts."
"Now we know it's not my stomach." I said, he handed me a box of tampons, "I've never had these. I simply let it drip from under my shirt. Or had a menstrual apron. I never likes my period until now."
"What? No one likes periods." He exclaimed, I chuckled.
"I can have kids now Damon." I said.
"Couldn't you already? You know being two thirds human." He asked, I shook my head.
"No." I said, "I didn't have a heart Damon. I could never have kids, of course I loved to try."
"It's like you read my mind." He said.
"Um, yeah." I said, Stefan came into the room.
"Hey looks like you found out what's wrong with you." He gestured to the box.
"Yes." I said, I went into the bathroom again and shut the door. "so Elijah. What are we going to do with him?" I sat on the toilet.
"Uh. We already had that figured out." Stefan said, "you didn't tell her?"
"Yeah I was getting to that, brother." Damon said, I opened the tampon box.
"My god what did you do?" I asked, I took out a tampon and got curious. I took it out of the hard plastic tube and ran it threw the water in the sink. It expanded into a flower. I giggled.
"We sorta... mighta--"
"Well spit it out, Damon! I don't have an eternity anymore!" I said, I unwrapped a tampon and shoved it in me.
"We daggered him." Stefan answered, I stood up and felt uncomfortable. I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. I walked to the living room and poured myself a glass full with bourbon.
"Good. He was always so stuck up." I said, "he was more attractive before. I hate his hair."
"What?!" Damon asked, "his hairs amazing!"
"Ugh. Have you seen it? I think it would look better shorter." I said, "always will. Now it's just floppy and.. weird. So, what's going on in your lives?" I asked, and sat on the couch.
"Besides the Klaus stuff." Stefan asked and sat down next to me.
"Yes, besides the Klaus stuff."
"Nothing really. But there's a dance--" Elena opened the front door, giggling with Bonnie by her side.
"Ah! Elena, Bonnie." I said, "quite refreshing to see a pretty face once and a while."
"Hey!" Damon said, and gestured to his face, "What about me."
"Hey, Leny." They said.
"So, what's this dance Stefan was talking about?" I asked.
"Oh. It's the 60's dance." Elena said, "you should come. It'll be fun!"
"All I remember that was good from the 60's is the Beatles." I said, "I prefer the 20's. A lot more better."
"Well we better get going before we're late." Bonnie said.
"For what?" Damon asked.
"School." Elena said.
"Oh, no, no, no. Elena, Klaus is on your radar. We need to have you here where he can't get in." Damon said.
"She's a teenage girl Damon." I said, "I will accompany her to school if I must. Ladies need education--"
"Weren't you the same one who said to let Klaus go along with the spell?" Damon sassed.
"Yes, I was. But now I'm thinking otherwise because well, might as well spend my last years being a non-asshole human being." I said, "with a heart." I added, "so now I'm going to go with Elena to school. And protect her from the big bad wolf."

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