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Saki, will we be alright?” Emi asked as she tightened her grip around Saki’s arm. Her body was shivering, and judging from the tone of her voice, she was afraid.

 “We’ll be fine, nothing bad’s going to happen to us. Just hold on a bit longer, alright?” Saki replied as she placed her hand atop her friend’s head. She gently rubbed it, then looked over to Ria who seemed transfixed by the fight going on. “Hey, Shoko, are you alright?”

 Shoko looked over to her friend and hesitantly nodded. The other two were going at it like rabid dogs, neither one showing any sign of stepping down. She grit her teeth in frustration, there really was no way for her to join in. While she knew she couldn’t trust him, at this point in time, the one wielding the sword was the good guy. He did cut down the armed thugs, after all.

 Her eyes moved towards the other people trapped along with them. The average reaction, from what she could see, was that of fear. Confusion was a close second, however. She couldn’t blame them, though. This wasn’t something normal; hell, the only reason she herself wasn’t fazed was because she was just like them, she wasn’t normal.

 “That’s right, I’m just like them.” She clenched her fists, mentally forcing herself against breaking something. She didn’t want to add any more tension, after all.

 The sound of sirens flaring in the distance broke the brunette from her train of self-deprecation, filling her with hope. She turned to look at her friends and they, along with everyone else taken hostage, seemed to light up.

 She turned her attention back to the battle, and only hoped that there wouldn’t be any casualties.


 The hooded figure grinned as he tightened his grip on his weapon. Locking eyes with the pyromancer, he charged forward. In one swift movement, he reversed his grip on his weapon and slashed to the left.

 The pyromancer effortlessly weaved underneath and was about to counter the swing with a punch, but he was caught off guard by the swordsman’s follow up attack. The swordsman’s shin collided with his ribcage, causing the pyromancer to recoil backwards in pain. With a growl, he threw a ball of fire towards his opponent.

 The swordsman blocked the projectile with the flat of his blade and watched as the ball of flames harmlessly dispersed. He clicked his tongue and a grimace formed on his face. He plunged his weapon into the ground and with a snap of his fingers, the weapon dematerialized in the same light it came from.

 “Honestly, who knew that another individual such as myself could be so…” He paused, making eye contact with the pyromancer. “...disappointing.” He grinned.

 The pyromancer clenched his fists and charged forward. He jumped forward and spun, stretching out his leg to deliver a kick to his opponent’s head. The swordsman blocked the attack, but the pyromancer grinned.

 Using his momentum, the pyromancer kicked off from the swordsman arm and spun the other way. This time, though, his leg burst into flames.

 The swordsman ducked underneath the attack and as the pyromancer landed, he threw a straight with his right hand. The pyromancer leaned to the side and threw a left hook, but the swordsman bent his right arm back to parry the attack.

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