28. "A man's gotta do what man's gotta do."

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-Aruma's POV-


I opened the warehouse door. The door sounds rough makes me a bit surprised. I peeked into the warehouse is still pretty clean. Many stuff and item such as old bicycles, old cabinets, old chairs, a vase that has been cracked, and other items that are not proper to use. Only the items in the large boxes that is still usable.

I stepped into the warehouse and walked toward one of the box written "Aruma Kuronuma :)". Then I crouched and slowly open the box. I started taking the first item I saw in it.

It's a lion doll.  Exactly, it's a lion's head doll. He lost his body.

"Oh god, it's creepy." I throw it back and then re-take the other stuff. I continue to put out and mess up the items in it until all the items in it runs out. And I found lion's body.

I slammed his body slowly and then sat on the floor. 'It's no use.'

'What am I doing here?'

I rubbed my face in frustration. "Now what?" I whispered.

I shrugged then immediately took my old diary. I opened my old rainbow diary and read page by page. This thick rainbow book was my diary from grade 1 until grade 5.

Page 13

"Today... Well, as usual, the boys always bothered me every time I paint. This time, they throw away the results of my painting to the middle of the scary forest.. I want to take it back but my teacher told me the forest is very dangerous. My teacher forbade me to go there..."

Page 15


Page 20

"I saw a girl was crying because her friends push her until she fell :("

"Sometimes I think I can beat a bad persons who are always bothered me or anyone who doesn't deserve the consequences. But, if I beat them, does that means I also became a bad person like them?"

Page 21

"I think it's better to be hurt than to hurt others, right?"

Page 25

"It's been so long I didn't write my diary. Since the holidays, I didn't have time to write a diary about my vacation with my family to Hokkaido. By the way, next week I have started to back to school and I'm going to be in a grade 2! I wish I got the class that there are many good and friendly friends!"

Page 29

"4 days after the first day back to school, my class have two new students. The first was a pretty blond girl and has purple eyes. His name is Kiyomi. The second was a boy with red hair. I forgot his name. At the time, I think we can all be friends. But, I think Kiyomi-chan would rather be friends with the other in the next class. Just as the red haired boy, he was friends with the boys who often bullies me :("

I stared blankly at the pages of my diary. I thought about how much my change before and after.

I standing up holding the book and picked up a lion's head and his body then walking out from a messy warehouse.




-Karma's POV-

"Sugoi..." I whispered, watching the new student attacking Koro-sensei with her guns came out from her rectangular robotic machine.

She's a new student. Her name's Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery. She has a rectangular robotic body with her head with lilac hair and red eyes inside a video screen. Seeing her cold and evil expression, remind me of Kuronuma Aruma. Her red eyes that are identical to Aruma's eyes made me think that they are like twins.

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