Chap. 9: Tyler Lockwood.

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At the Mikaelson mansion.

(Rebekah's POV.)

I was coming back home from Matt's house, because I slept night there, thanks to my psychopath brother [Kol.] who had to broke Matt's hand, but Damon saved him before Kol would have killed him. Last night at the party, I was joking when I said to Kol that I needed Matt dead. Well he thought I /really/ wanted him dead.

I walked inside our home and into the living room, as Kol got up from the couch and he blocked my way.

"Well, well, well, there's our girl." Kol said as he smirked. "Get out of my way, Kol." I was annoyed. "Out all night. What a scandal! I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?" Kol said. "If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." I said as I glared at Kol.

Klaus smirked.

"Don't start, Nik." I said as I looked at Niklaus. "I didn't say anything." He replied. "I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment." Kol said as he sat down to couch again. "What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it." Nik replied to Kol. "It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol said. "Okay. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." Klaus replied as he got up from the couch. 

"She asked my help, Nik." Kol said as he looked at me. "Oh cm'on, Kol. You almost killed him." I said as I looked at him. "Enough." Klaus said as he walked out of living room. "Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in." I yelled. "Just like you, Bekah." Kol said as he smirked as I threw a shoe at him.

At the Mystic Grill.

(Klaus' POV.)

Me and Kol walked out of our home and to my car. We got in and we drove to the Mystic Falls. I parked my car front of Mystic Grill. Few minutes later we got out of car and we walked inside the bar and over to the bar-counter. Kol ordered a class of Bourbon to both of us.

"Bourbon.. Little brother, you want to be drunk, when we go home." I said as I turned to look at my little brother. "Nope, this is because we have finally brotherly time without that you stab the bloody white oak dagger through my heart." Kol said as he smirked. "That's not excuse, Kol. You know the rules.. Always and Forever." I replied as I glared at him. "Yeah, right, but you broke the vow by daggering me and Finn, Nik. But It's not funny that you dagger me and our other siblings and keep them in a coffin centuries, like you did with me and Finn." Kol replied. "Kol, you had to mass murder people in 1702, If you don't remember." I said a I smirked at him. "Nik, how I could forgot that? You stabbed me and Finn with the daggers after that, but never Elijah and Rebekah." Kol looked at me. "Kol, I already said the reason, why I daggered you." I grinned at him. "Fine." Kol said.

I was looking at the door as Kol saw that Tyler walked in and some woman followed him.

"It looks like your, little hybrid sidekick has a fling." Kol said as he smirked while he pointed to Tyler. "Yea it looks like, but he wont live after I have killed him." I said as I was serious about killing Tyler. "Why you can always; torture and kill anybody, but me, Bekah, Elijah and Finn can't? It's not fair, Nik. You're not the eldest sibling." Kol asked as he turned to look at me. "Alright, but neither isn't Elijah, It's Finn, who's always eldest sibling." I grinned at Kol. 

"Your pathetic, Nik." Kol replied. "And you're psychopath, Kol." I got up from the chair. "Where are you going?" Kol asked. "I will have /little/ chat with him." I smirked at Kol. "I know you mean with him... Tyler?" Kol said. "Yes." I smirked evilly. "Fine. I will go to hunt." Kol replied. "Just don't make Mikael to found us again, or your will find yourself in box soon." I said as I walked away near from Kol. "Fine. But dagger threats, seriously, Nik?" Kol said. "Just go, but control yourself, Kol." I looked at Kol annoyed. "Okay okay, chill, Nik." Kol said as he walked away.

I waited that Tyler's girlfriend went to order drinks. Then I walked over to Tyler, I grabbed him from he's neck and I dragged him to men's restroom.

(Tyler's POV.)

I looked at her as she smiled at me.

"I will go and order drinks. What you would to drink?" She asked as she looked at me. "Bourbon." I replied as I smiled slightly. "Okay. Wait here, I will come back in few minutes."  She kissed my cheek. "O.K." I smiled slightly as she kissed my cheek, then she left to order drinks to us.

Few minutes later somebody grabbed me from neck. After that I found myself in men's restroom with the psycho, who I hated mostly, because he tortured my mother, who lays now in hospital.  

"Well well well, wolf boy has a girlfriend." Klaus said as he smirked at me. "GO TO HELL, KLAUS!" I shouted. "No, I wont." Klaus replied as he glared at me, while he pushed me against wall. "Oh cm'on, Klaus. You wont kill me or touch on my girlfriend." I was annoyed. "I'm not interested of your girl, Tyler. I want to know where did Caroline go." Klaus said as he still glared at me. "She's not here anymore, she left the town with the Salvatore's and Elena and Bonnie." I said."WHERE DID THEY GO, TYLER!?" Klaus asked as he kept me against a wall. "I'm NOT GONNA TELL!" I shouted back. "You will." He said, before he compelled me. "Their in Nevada on class trip." I said. "Good, Wolf boy. Now you will go home with your little friend and tomorrow you will call me and invite me to visit you." Klaus said. "Yes." I replied.

He compelled me again.

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