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Camila's pov

"I can't believe your going with this stupid bet." Jade said as she sat down on her bed. "Relax Jade. It's been a week and I am nowhere near developing feelings for him. And besides the bet was about making each other fall in love with one another but nothing about us developing feelings and I really doubt I'll develop any considering he's a jerk." I stated. "I know but I don't want you getting hurt." She said. "The only way I'll get hurt is either if I develop feelings for him or if he humiliates me in front of the school. And trust me the first one will be kind of hard for it to happen but the second one is a high possibility." I said sitting down at her desk. "Okay I'm trusting you." She sighed.

My phone rang and I fished it out of my backpack. "Speaking of the devil." I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Shawn?" I asked. "I want to go out with you." He said. "Well you haven't won the bet so I can't do anything about that." I said. "This is completely stupid. How the hell am I supposed to get you to fall for me when you would even go out with me." He snapped. "Don't blame it on me. You said if you won, which I don't think will happen, I'll go out with you. Sad to break to you but I'm nowhere near falling in love with you." I said sweetly. "You're impossible you know that right?" He asked. "I've been told plenty of times. By you." I plainly said. "Whatever." He said. "Glad we had this talk." I said before hanging up.

"He's really trying on this isn't he?" Jade asked. "Obviously. He basically wants to say he got every girl in the school to fall in love with him." I stated. "Well at least every girl besides two." She said. "Yeah. About that I've been wondering why he hasn't tried to make you fall in love with him yet" I said. "That's because our parents work together. And since my parents are basically the bosses of his parents, they forced him to not hit on me or anything." She said. "Ugh I wished I had your parents so he can leave me alone." I said and she laughed. "Tell me about it. I'm basically the luckiest girl." She laughed.

"Well I got to go help my mom make dinner. See you later." I said. "Bye." She said before I left her room. "Bye Mrs. Thirlwall." I said. "Bye Camila. We'll see you later." She smiled. I closed the door and walked to my house. "Mom I'm home." I said closing the door. "In the kitchen dear." She said. I dropped my backpack down on the floor and walked to the kitchen while I was putting my hair up. "I can handle dinner Mila. I need you to start getting ready cause we're having guests over." She said. "Yeah Mr. and Mrs. Thirlwall and Jade. I can literally go to dinner with my pajamas." I said. "I forgot to tell you didn't I?" She said. "Forgot to tell me what?" I asked. "Another family of my colleagues are coming over." She said. "Oh okay then. What do you want me to wear?" I asked. "Something nice please." She smiled. I nodded and walked up to my room.

"Hey Sof." I said. "Cami help me pick out my outfit." She said. "Okay." I smiled walking over to her closet. "Well what do you want to wear?" I asked. "I don't know. That's why I need your help." She whined. "Okay how about this dress with your black flats with ankle straps." I suggested. "Okay thank you. And can you do my hair after." She asked. "Sure." I smiled. "Okay." She said before I walked out of her room. I decided on doing my hair first so I went and plugged in my hair straightener. While I waited for it to heat up, I walked over to my closet to pick out a dress. I grabbed my black backless cross strap tight short dress and my black jacket. I bent down and grabbed my pale pink opened toed heels. I put them on my bed and walked back to my makeup table to straightened my hair. After straightening every long piece of hair, I did my makeup. I put everything away and grabbed my dress and walked to the bathroom to change. I walked out grabbing my jewelry along the way. I sat down and stared at the ceiling. I released a sigh and sat back up. I was spaced out when Jade caught my attention.

"Mom?" She asked. "Mom." I nodded. "Same here." She said motioning to her dress. "Ugh torture right now." I sighed. "Tell me about it." She laughed. "Are you ready Jade?" I heard her mom say. "Yeah I'm going to head to Camila's house." She said. "Go through the door. I don't want you jumping through the window like always." Her mom said and I laughed. "Okay." She sighed. I laughed and she stuck her tongue at me. I rolled my eyes and she closed her window before leaving. The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to open the door.

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