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Camila's pov

I couldn't sleep. The entire night my mind was racing with that Jason had told me. My mind making up scenarios of what I would say or do if and when Shawn was to fall in love with me and vise versa. My mind was racing so much that I woke up before my alarm even went off. I stay in my bed for a while longer before getting ready. Again not feeling motivated to dress up, I grabbed a pair a blue denim jeans and a plain black short sleeve v neck. Walking into the bathroom, I began to wash my face and teeth before changing. Grabbing the comb I ran it through my hair before tossing it into a bun. I walked over to my vanity to curl my eyelashes and put mascara on them. Not feeling like anything else, I grabbed a pair of socks from my dresser and slipped on my black and white vans.

I checked the time and saw that I had gotten ready in 20 minutes. I laid back on my bed scrolling through Instagram. A few minutes in, my stomach started to growl, so I grab my stuff going downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning." I say walking in. "You're up early." My mom says. "Yeah well I couldn't really sleep much." I reply. I grab a croissant and cut in half before putting egg, bacon and sausage. I close it up, before going over to make myself some iced coffee. I sat next to Sofi and began to eat.

"Morning Cabellos." I hear Jade yell from the living room. "Kitchen." I called out. She walks in with everyone else. "Good morning." My mom smiles. They all kiss and hug her and my dad except for Shawn and Steven who do some handshake with him. "Breakfast is on the stove and there's coffee there." My mom informs them as she's sitting down. They all help themselves and stand around the island to eat. I finish up and wash my plate. Soon after everyone finishes as well. "Alright well, we should get going." Ally says looking at the time. "Bye mom. Bye dad. Bye Sof." I hug and kiss everyone while I grab my reusable Starbucks cup with coffee. I grab my back pack and my sweater and follow Jade and Ally outside. I get in first quickly responding to Jason's message from this morning.

"Hey are you okay?" I nod. "Jason kept me up all night." I reply. "How is he? I miss him." Jade says. I turn my phone to her only to have her waving. "He says he misses you too." I say for him. "He says that when he comes back, he's going to take Jade away from you." I lied. "I did not say that." He tells me but since I have my earphones in, Stevie didn't hear. "She's all his." Steven jokes. Jade smacks him which results in me laughing. I go back to having Jason blab in about what he told me last night. "Don't you get tired of repeating the same thing?" I ask. "I will continue saying this until you get it through your thick skull." He answers. "You know there's a nicer way of saying that." I point out. "Yes but I have to saying it this way to have it implanted into your brain." He says. "Haha very funny." I roll my eyes.

"Before you go, I want to see Carter." Jason says as I walk through the school halls. "Okay but first let me get my stuff. He'll most likely greet me at my locker." I say. I walk in that direction by myself seeing that Jade has gone with Steven to his locker. I open it and pop my phone up using a book. We're having a normal conversation when I feel familiar arms hug me from behind. I look at my screen and see Jason smirking. I roll my eyes since I know who it is. He grabs the earphone that was dangling putting it in his own ear. "'Sup dude." Shawn greets. "When are you coming over to see us again?" He asks. "Soon." Was all Jason said.

I hear someone clear their throat and I look over my shoulder to find Carter looking between Shawn and I. Shawn untangles his arms from my waist and steps back. "I'll talk to you some other time." He tells Jason. "And I'll see you later." I nod smiling and he walks in the direction of his class. "Hi." I quickly say to Carter. "Is he him?" Jason asks. I nod my head. "You look better with Shawn." He taunts. Carter kisses my cheek and looks at my phone. Jason greets him by doing that head thing of his and Carter does the same. "I need to get to class." I tell Jason. "Call me after school." Jason says. "I will." I reply. "Love you bye." He says. "Love you too." I end the call and turn to Carter.

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