Idealistic or Perfect?

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Shinji Pov

The bell rang, it was time for my next class. I silently walk to class beside  Mizuka.

I still feel horrible for writing such things about him, I know he says 'it's not weird' but it is beyond weird.

Just look at it this way: A guy writing about another guy's smile and it being breathtaking​.


But then again, look at his smile anyone would fall for that smile, and those handsome features, and that perfect jawline, and! Stop thinking about it!!

Ah, this is so confusing! This feeling it feels so strange, I like it.

Somehow, I space out thinking about it.

"Shinji...hey Shinji" I hear a voice call to me. I snap out of my wonderful trance and look towards the voice.

That wonderful voice is coming from, Mizuka.

"Y-yes?" I look at Mizuka

"You're spacing out, you almost crashed into the wall" he chuckled.

"O-oh sorry about that, I was thinking"

"About?" Mizuka raised a brow at me.

What do I say!? I can't tell him that I was zoned out because his smile and his perfect features, and those sharp eyes, and how his hair perfectly falls around that perfect face and... I zone out again thinking about Mizuka.

"'re doing it again" Mizuka chuckled

"Huh? W-what?" I look at Mizuka and he's laughing.

Oh my fucking God, his laugh I can listen to it for centuries​, why am I so fascinated with this being!? The real question here is; why wouldn't someone be fascinated? I space out for the third time thinking about it.

"Shinji, you need to'll get hurt if you don't" Mizuka continued to laugh.

"So-sorry..." A slight blush creeps on my face

I glanced at Mizuka and he looked at me, he looked away? Why!? Don't fucking tell me I creeped him out again!?

"Sorry I creeped you out...I just can't help it..." I look away from Mizuka.

"D-don't worry it's didn't creep me out..." he was fondling with his glasses.

Is he nervous? Of what?

"Mizuka? Are you nervous?" I look back at him and his face is deep red.

"N-no I'm fine you didn't creep me out"

"Then...why won't you look at me?" I looked at him

He stood silent for a moment. I wonder what he's thinking about.

"Because, I saw something" Mizuka entered the classroom.

That makes no sense! He was looking at me the whole damn time! But I'll let it go, don't want to interrogate him.

"If any of the females want to take a chance with Shinji over there. I advise you don't have do I say this..." he smirked and put his hand on his chin.

"Any...interesting information that you don't mind being told to the whole campus." his smirk got wider as all the girls silently sat back down at their desks.

W-what!? Mizuka is being so protective...well I'm thankful for that. If not it would be another 20 questions session that I do NOT want to be part of.

I walked to an empty desk at the back of the classroom, Mizuka did the same.

"Our school has a lunch schedule. This class has 2nd lunch along with three other classes" Mizuka informed me.


"So the bells at this class, don't pay any attention to them. Except obviously the third one" Mizuka looked at me and I nodded.

The teacher entered the class, she looks like she's in her Mid-twenties. She had her hair in a messy bun and the color looked like it was a sandstorm. She had ocean eyes and a very attractive and alluring face, she was very petit. Her voice didn't help either, she sounded like a little mouse. I'm pretty sure that all the guys in this class has a major crush on her, to be honest she is very attractive.

"Hello students, My name is Ms. Suna Najimi and I am your journalist teacher" Suna smiled and I heard all the boys sway with excitement.

"If you guys are going to act like that...I insist that you don't act like pesky wild dogs that were raised in a barn...and act differently please" Ms. Najimi said very coldly with that same pearl smile.

Damn she's so scarry!!

All the guys stood quiet and stood still, this teacher is AWESOME!!

We did the basic introductions and shit like that.

Later on the third bell ran, Mizuka stood up, as well as my other classmates.

I stood up and followed Mizuka. And again I was observing his handsome features.

I walked besides Mizuka, He's what's that word...captivating? No. Interesting? No. I don't know what word describes Mizuka best.

I space out trying to think about a word that would describe Mizuka best.

"Shinji...hey! Shinji! Watch out!" Someone calls out to me but I'm so entranced that i can't focus who and where that voice is coming from.

"Shinji!" I feel something pull me back with a forceful jerk, I fall to the floor clueless of what just happened.

I finally come back to the world with that jerk.

"What the hell is wrong with you!! You have to stop spacing out!! Or you'll end up hurt!" I look up and I see Mizuka shouting at me.

"Shinji are you even listening to me? You have to stop spacing out! You almost fell down the stairs!"

I look directly into Mizuka's flaxen tinted eyes.

"....Idealistic..." Was the only thing I could say.


Haii Haii...

I know this chapter is a bit late but the only thing I can blame is

SCHOOL!! ugh I hate it

But we all have to go through those 12 years of horror... Thank goodness I'm close to those 12

3 years left!!!

But after the 12 years...there's...stupid four more years

Oh sorry I got off track...
Anyways I apologize for me being late in updating... *bows*

Baii Baii


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