A Way To End Perfection?

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Shinji POV

I can't believed that I kissed Mizuka! And...on my own will! It was so embarrassing! What's even worse was...It became...a bit...not so family friendly...what I'm trying to say is: IT WAS A FUCKING MAKE OUT SESSION! something that I NEVER expected to happen...it got so heated that we almost...we almost...got really intimate.

Thank goodness that is over, but now that I think about it...I didn't want it to stop. I bite my bottom lip as the memory of our make-out moment becomes vibrant in my mind:

My lips touched Mizuka's lips, they were so soft, gentle and moist. It seemed like he had been doing these types of things with other people, he knew what he was doing, because clearly I wasn't. His warm hands reached up and cupped my face. It felt so good; I didn't want it to end. It was like his lips were honey, it lured me in more and more by the second. I felt my stomach turn into knots as his lips gave attention to mine. Small little noises kept escaping my lips as that kiss became longer and deeper. Then, I felt something dance across my bottom lip, from the sudden contact, it made my mouth open with another of those small little noises. I feel something wet and warm slide into my mouth, it danced across my mouth, touching every part of my mouth, again, it made me make another of those noises. That wet and warm thing reached over and touched my tongue, it danced and moved around, it was like that for a few minutes; me making those noises and Mizuka devouring my mouth.

Then, a noise could be heard from Mizuka's pocket; it was his phone, someone was calling him. Suddenly Mizuka pulled away from the kiss, he took his phone out of his pocket. Saliva fell from the sides of my mouth, I quickly went over and cleaned my mouth quickly.

"Sorry Shinji, can you please excuse my for a second..." Mizuka said in a slight sigh.

"U-uh...u-um ye-yeah..yeah, I don't mind..." I nod my head as I look into his alluring flaxen eyes.

"Thanks..." He smiled slightly as he stood up from the couch and walked outside.

And...since then, Mizuka hasn't returned. Where could he be? Is he still talking on the phone? I don't know, I haven't gotten up since then, he left around late noon...now, it's the evening. He has been gone for more than four hours. Which is making me quite nervous. What if something happened to him? What if he left me in his house, I don't he'd do such a thing, but it is still possible.

I finally stood up from the couch, making my way slowly towards the door, my mind keept thinking about the possibility that could occur. My hand reached over to the door knob as I see it open widely. Mizuka stood there with...Ms. Ayumi?

"Mizuka, you're back...with...our English teacher?" I raise my brow as I see Ms. Ayumi give me a warm and longing smile.

"Yeah...about that..." Mizuka rubbed the back of his neck as he looked over at our teacher then at me. "Maybe...you should sit down for what you're about to hear..."

"Alright...?" I nodded slightly as I kept on wandering why in the hell is our teacher here!

"Then...let's go, we shouldn't be wasting any time" Ms. Ayumi spoke up as she walked inside.

Mizuka and I follow after her as we both sit on the couch, Mizuka's hand held mine comfortably as I like the feeling, actually...what are we? what is Mizuka to me? Are we dating? I don't know...well we did kiss a while ago. But...What in the world did it mean?

"So...you guys wanted to tell me something?" I ask as my gaze changes from Ms. Ayumi to Mizuka.

"Well...honestly, it's two things..." He said in a slight mumble

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