Sherlock x Reader | Drive

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Description : You may have killed your abusive ex-boyfriend and now the cops were chasing you. You had no escape so you jumped into the nearest taxi, that happened to be occupied by Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, and yelled drive!
Warnings : Murder, Swearing, Violence, Abuse, Fluff.
Word Count : 1564
"That's what you get for treating me like a fucking punching bag, you coward." I scream, pulling the knife out of his body. He makes a gurgling noise, and falls to the ground. I kneel down to watch the light leave his eyes. Finally, I am free. I'll never have to look over my shoulder again, or wear turtle-necked sweaters to hide the bruises I got when he choked me. Or have to explain to my family and friends why I won't be visiting over Christmas. The freedom feels amazing, but is short lived as the sounds of sirens fill the air. My mind goes blank on what to do, so I just run. I slam the door open, the light hits my eyes, temporarily blinding me from being held inside for days at a time. The streets are filled with traffic, but the sirens keep on getting louder. I spot a cab in one of the lanes, and sprint towards it. I throw open the door, and climb in, hurdling myself over the lap of a man in a long dark coat. There's another man in the vehicle with dusty blond hair, and a soft  coloured jumper on, I sit myself in between them and lean forward to speak to the driver.

"Drive!" I scream at him.

"What? No get o–"

"Fucking drive! Now!" I scream louder. I don't have a weapon on me, but I motion to my bag to pretend I do, and he speeds ahead of the vehicles.

"Where am I going?" He says frantically.

"Doesn't matter! Wherever these two are headed." I yell. Once I'm sure the driver is on my side, a lay back and let a long sigh escape my mouth.

"Miss, do you mind explaining what the bloody hell is going on!" The lighter haired one says.

"Why do you have blood on your clothing?" He says again.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know just please let me come with you, wherever it is you are headed." I say, raising my hands in mercy.

"Just, please, explain. Why are you in our cab?" He says to me again.

"The police were after me." I say checking behind to vehicle to see if they've been following us, I don't see them or hear them, so I guess I'm in the clear, at least for now.

"Why were they after you?" The light haired one speaks again.

"Where are we going, I'll tell you whenever we arrive." I say.

"221B Baker Street." The darker haired one finally speaks.

"Is that your flat?" I ask him.


"Mind if I hide there?"

"Yes!" Says the lighter haired one, at the same time the darker haired one says "No."

"Sherlock!" Yells the lighter haired one, well now I know one name.

"We don't even know what she's done yet, John!" And there's the other name. They both look at me, and I'm guessing that's my queue to spill.

"I murdered my highly abusive ex-boyfriend." I say quietly. Sherlock looks at John with sympathy, and John sends him back a resentful look. There's silence for a while, and I start to feel guilty for forcing my life problems onto these men.

"You know what, I'll just g–" I start, but Sherlock cuts me off.

"Three days, you can stay with us three days and we'll see what happens."

"Oh my god, thank you! Thank you so much!" I lean in to hug him, and before I can stop myself, I embrace him, painting blood all over his expensive looking coat.

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