"I love you"

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Scott, Theo, Stiles and I decided to go out for a walk when we noticed Tracy stood in the woods glaring at me. Theo and her had a past which everyone knew but no she claims that I "stole" her boyfriend. I rolled my eyes trying to walk past her, I felt her hand on my wrist causing my other hand to fly up to her cheek.

"Look, just because you and Theo had a past doesn't mean you can come up pissed off about everything, he broke up with you." I spat folding my arms. I noticed my boyfriends famous smirk as he stood next to me.

"You'll pay for this Y/L/N." She glared before walking away, a quiet laugh left my lips.

"Damn" Theo whispered and I looked at him. "Talk about bitch fight"

"Well technically it wasn't a bitch fight but trust me if I could I would have punched the shit out of her" I smirked, I walked off but not before hearing the three words that left his lips.

"I love you"

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