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Emily and Shelby wake up on a pullout couch in a sunlit room. They look at each other very confused.

"I don't remember us having a sleepover at your house, Emily," Shelby said.

"I don't think this is my house..." Emily trailed off.

There was a crash and April stumbled in. "Oh good, your awake. Breakfast is being prepared!"

Then it clicked. They recalled everything that happened the day before. Then they smiled to each other and got up.

"Emily, it looks like you slept with birds in your hair," Shelby laughed, pointing at her friend's head. Emily's blonde hair was clumped and tangled.

"Well, that means I slept like a baby," Emily joked.

The girls walked into April's kitchen. Mr. O'Neil and April were at the stove, the smell of bacon and eggs wafting in the girls direction. The redhead walked over and dumped bacon on a plate. Mr. O'Neil placed the pan of scrambled eggs on the table and sat down next to his daughter. Shelby and Emily took some food and then bowed their heads. Shelby mumbled a small prayer and then the two teens dug in.


"Hey April?" Emily spoke after everyone had gotten their fill. "We need clothes."

"Follow me," April answered.

April lead the girls to her room and pulled out a box.

"These are some old clothes that don't fit me very well. Change in here into whatever you want," April instructed before she left.

Shelby eventually found a pink cat shirt and light blue jeans that fit her and Emily pulled out a blue sweater and navy pants. Emily used April's brush and smoothed her hair. Shelby simply took out the braid she did before bed and her blonde locks were crimped and pretty.

The girls walked out of April's room expecting to hear the clanking of dishes being washed, but heard silence.
"That's weird," Shelby said.

They walked into the living room, but they didn't find April or her father. Emily crept into the kitchen and saw Mr. O'Neil and April unconscious on the floor. April had her fighting fans beside her. She tried to fight back. Then she heard a growl.

"Oh no," Emily groaned. She was whacked in the side by a powerful paw and sent flying into the wall. The teen looked up at her attacker through strings of hair. Tigerclaw stood before her showing his fanged smirk.

"Shelby! Run!" Emily screamed. Shelby peeked into the kitchen and saw her friend against the wall, Tigerclaw towering above her. She gasped and ran for the window. She opened the window and climbed down quickly, then opening the sewer hole and jumping down. Shelby yelled the turtles names as she sprinted down the tunnels, and ended up in the lair. She checked her watch franticly and burst in the dojo, stopping a training session.
Mikey saw Shelby's distressed expression and ran to her side.

"Shelby, what's wrong?"

"Tigerclaw... Emily... Attack...April..." Shelby muttered breathing hard.

"What?" Donnie said, confused.

"Emily and I were getting dressed and while we were, Tigerclaw came and knocked out April and Mr. O'neil. He attacked Emily and she told me to run," Shelby explained.

"Then we've got ta help her," Raph exclaimed, the other turtles nodded. Shelby gripped onto Mikey's shell and they ran off to April's apartment.


Tigerclaw looked at Emily with determination gleaming in his eyes.

"The other may escape, but I've got the one with more knowledge cornered," Tigerclaw snarled. Emily ducked under the mutant's legs and stood in a stance.

"...but your also facing off with the one who trained with Raph a bit," she snapped.

Tigerclaw roundhouse kicked Emily in the waist and she hit the window, smashing it. Glass shards cut her back and face as she slumped over, recovering from the blow. Tigerclaw slung Emily over his shoulder and leaped out the broken window.

"Let me go!" She shouted, beating on her captors back.

"You will stop, or I will make you," the tiger mutant threatened. That made Emily grow still and silent. She watched the rooftops, closing her blue orbs when they went over and alleyway and praying the turtles would rescue her again.

They arrived at Shredder's lair and jumped through and opening. Tigerclaw threw the girl on the floor in front of Shredder, who was waiting in his throne. He got up and walked over to Emily, grabbed her chin, and pushed her red face upwards.

"Nice to see you again," Shredder said. He dropped her face and gave orders to Tigerclaw. "Take this girl to Stockman."

She looked up, terror painted on her face as Tigerclaw snatched her hands up and held them tightly behind her back. He walked her down a hallway and into a lab, where the fly mutant was working.

"Tie her up and put her over the mutagen," Stockman buzzed.(I'm not good at Baxter Stockman's fly voice) Tigerclaw did as he was told. Emily was soon dangling over an open mutagen vat with no confirmation of rescue.

"Of all the episodes I've seen this situation happen in, I know I'm not leaving as a human," I whisper under my breath.


Shelby and the turtles were lurking near the edge of Stockman's lab. Shelby has had to cover her mouth so her squeak of horror wouldn't be heard because she saw her friend hanging over a huge container of mutagen. Tears stung the corners of her eyes and she looked down.

By the time this is over, Emily's gonna be a mutant. Mikey patted her back and she smiled. Leo signaled the others and they began a rescue plan. While they were talking, Shelby heard Stockman start talking.

"Master Shredder wants some information before I mutate you, in case you become a lifeless lump of goop," Baxter explained. "What are the turtles weaknesses?"

"Like I'd ever tell you, Stinkman!" Emily retorted.

"Stockman!" The fly yelled. "I can mutate you before the questions!"

"Whatever, either way I'm gonna be different," Emily told herself.

Shelby watched as Stockman dropped her friend a little. Emily let out a muffled cry, for the ropes were cutting at her arms. Shelby couldn't bare seeing her friend like this. Then the turtles broke and they put they're plan into action. Mikey quickly told Shelby that Leo, Raph, and him were going to attack Baxter and Donnie was going to close the container.  She was supposed to run over to Emily and untie her, then get out of Shredder's lair. Shelby nodded and then Mikey leaped over to Raph and Leo.

A few minutes later the blue, orange, and red clad turtles ambushed the fly. Donnie ran over to the controls and closed the hatch. Shelby ran on the closed vat and untied Emily.

"Shumpy!" Emily yelled.

"New nickname already?" Shelby exclaimed.

"I was trying to be positive!" Emily answered.

Baxter Stockman was able to wander back to the control panel and opened the container again. The girls began to run to the edge. They didn't make it. Raph and Mikey saw the vat begin to open and they jumped up and caught Emily and Shelby's hands. The girls began to cry as they began to slip.

"Raph!" Emily yelled.

"Mikey!" Shelby screamed.

Then the girls lost their grip. They fell in to the mutagen.

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