Worse Turn

42 2 16

                     I'm finally gonna do it. Don't blow up.

Emily's katana clashed with Leo's weapon as a training session commenced. Everyone else watched the heated battle with wide, wondering eyes.

"Bet your slice of pizza that Leo wins!" Mikey whisper-yelled to the other blonde mutant.

"No way!" She answered. "Emily's faster!"

As the two were silently arguing, Leo swiftly flipped over his opponent on the ground. She struggled to free her arms from the oppressing weight of the leader's foot for a minute before surrendering.

"Ha!" Mikey jeered.

"Yame!" Splinter barked. "Very good, Leonardo."

The blue clad turtle and the black dressed cat bowed to each other before they sat down. Shelby and Nicholas stood to fight. They weren't permitted to use their bows in the dojo after an incident that had happened, so they fought with brass knuckles and small knives.

While the two were training, the Lynx mutant heard a voice that she loathed almost as much as Shredder's.

Let's test a little something, shall we? Evil Shelby said.

Splitting pain rang through her brain and she collapsed on her floor, clutching her head. The teenagers that were sitting leaped up.

The orange masked male rushed to her. "Shelby? Are you okay? Shelby!?"

She cried out loudly before her fingers fell from her hair. She got up and walked away, leaving her family members confused.

Once Shelby was out of Emily's sensitive hearing range, she cackled.

"It worked?" She asked herself. "Perfect. Business ti-"

The cat mutant growled and fell once more. Her hands held her up from the ground as she breathed heavily, her real mind reentering her body.

"Ow.... What the shell?" She exclaimed quietly. "What did you do?

Took you over for a bit, the doppelganger admitted shallowly. If you tell your family, I will kill you. No mercy this time.

Shelby could hear the seriousness in her evil side clear as day. She was about to say something else, when Casey came skating down the sewer.

"Hey Twitch! What's up?" He called, skidding to a stop in front of her.

"Nothing," she lied. Remembering her eyes, she closed them as she answered.

They two walked back to the lair, where everyone was doing their own thing.

"Hey Shelby, why'd you rush out?" Donnie asked.

She closed her eyes, saying, "I had a really bad headache."

"Oh, I'll get you Tylenol," the intelligent ninja replied and left.

Shelby nodded and sat down next to the black haired teenager. She sighed, feeling relatively tired. The cat mutant laid her head on Casey's shoulder.

Donnie gave her a pill and she took it. She fell asleep on the hockey player within minutes.


Emily sat on her blue bedsheets, deep in thought. Her ears caught footsteps thumping down the hallway. The door creaked open and Nicholas stood before her, his figure shadowed.

"What's up?" She asked.

"I- I've been thinking," he began, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hm?" The feline girl scooted over and patted the spot next to her.

The brown-haired bowslinger settled next to her. "There's something I'd like to do."

The black eared mutant blushed a little, curious of what her friend wanted to do.

He put his hand on the small of her back and pulled her closer. Her tail stopped flicking suddenly, realizing what was going on. They connected lips and Emily felt a warm, soft feeling radiating from her heart.

The two release quietly. They stare at each other, eyes shimmering and blushes extremely apparent on their faces.

"That was my dream come true," the cat mutant sighed, laying her head on top of his lap.

"Mine too."

The teenagers heard Leo shouting for them to come for patrol. They smiled and held hands for a second, then breaking and walking out to the main room.

"Okay, tonight we're all going to go on patrol," the leader commanded.

"We get to go!! Yeah-hea!!" Lisia and Bella slapped their hands together. Lisia did hate the turtles, but she enjoyed getting out when the chance was offered.

"Alright, move out team!" The blue clad turtle ordered.

"Captain Ryan voice, much?" Bella teased.

Leo grew red fast. "Hehe, oops?"

The brown haired individual lightly punched his muscular bicep, slightly amazed at the muskness of it. The human blonde rolled her eyes.

In no time, the group was racking across the rooftops at speeds that would impress a track team coach. As the two felines hopped, they listened to every noise they could hear through the air rushing past.

The teens stopped across from Dragon Gate, taking a break from the running. A crash from inside Chinatown broke the frail silence.

"Purple Dragons," Emily said.

"This'll be fun," Raph smirked, cracking his knuckles.

"Can we go in first?" Shelby asked as she gestured to her and the other female mutant.

"Be my guest."

The cat's leaped down from the gate and into the shadows, eyes closed.

"Well Hun, we weren't expecting to meet the lavender lizards tonight," Emily joked.

The three other PD's became frightened, not knowing where their attackers lurked.

"Come out little kittens, let us play a game," the PD leader retorted. The panther girl used her sheathed katana to pull the mustached gang member into the shadows and knock him out.

Shelby tripped the big man and yanked him into darkness. Now Fong and Hun were the only two left. The smaller raced to exit the road, but instead bumped into the black form of the lynx teenager, who opened her eyes and the purple determination shown out.

Emily whistled and the others jumped downwards. "Have your fun."

Lisia took on Fong while the turtles advanced on the leader. Soon the PD were out cold and tied. Bella called the police and red-blue lights drew closer to Chinatown. The mutants and humans headed home.


"That was fun," Mikey exclaimed, flipping on to the couch and turning on the TV.  Shelby sat next to the orange clad brother and rested her head under his chin.

Leo, Bella, Raph, Lisia, Emily, and Nicholas walked off to bed. Donnie went to his lab. The two teens on the couch fell asleep there, in each other's arms and smiling.

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