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A/N - Here's the next part.  Just a fair warning, I'm not going to go into the whole Balbadd Arc in detail, because that would be real boring, real fast and y'all know what happens anyways.  So I'll be pretty freaking brief in the next part.  But, since this is this, and that will be that....



Alice slept until that afternoon, opening her eyes and pushing herself off the floor to tiredly rub the sleep out of her eyes. Her ears started to detect a noise of whispers as she saw Alibaba's back to her as he spoke, presumably to Aladdin. Aladdin, peaking around Alibaba , noticed Alice and his face broke into a childish, pure smile. Alice found it easy to smile again back to her.

"Miss Alice!" Alibaba quickly turned around and crawled over to her, Aladdin just running to them before quickly planting himself back down. She laughed slightly as Aladdin spoke up with his cheerful voice.

"Are you feeling better? Alibaba said you felt sick this morning." Well, in a sense, he wasn't wrong. She shook her head, smiling as she crossed her legs and sat up straight.

"I'm feeling much better." Her eyes looked to Alibaba. "Thanks." His worry filled gaze quickly turned into that of headstrong determination. Alice looked at him, blinking in confusion. What did he have planned?

"Alice," Alibaba began, "Aladdin and I are going to Dungeon Amon." Her eyes widened, Alibaba continued. "I believe with Aladdin with me, I can finally capture it and we can leave Qishan. We can go somewhere else, somewhere better." Alice's eyes were filled with worry, but she trusted Alibaba, more than anyone. Even more so than herself. If he said he can capture it, then she believes that he can. She smiled to him.

"Alright, but promise me you'll be safe." Alibaba smiled confidently.

"Of course!" He thought he was doing the right thing. Alibaba truly thought this was for the best, for the both of them. Oh how wrong he was. Such a foolish, selfish, act could never be seen as good. Not in this cruel world they live in.

Alibaba and Aladdin kept traveling and entered the Dungeon. After Aladdin fainted due to overexertion, Lord Jamil appeared, bringing with him 2 slaves.; a tribesman and the same pink haired slave girl from before. Alibaba began aided them, solving puzzle after puzzle, eventually coming to the treasure room where Jamil followed behind them ever so slowly with the diversion Alibaba created.

Triumph went to the duo of blonde and blue, after overcoming Jamil's swordplay and showing Aladdin's power. Finally, the Dungeon was cleared and Alibaba started looking around. He wanted the riches and gold, no doubt, but he also wanted something special, for her. For Alice. He looked around, digging through pile after pile until he found something.

His eyes gleamed as he picked up a small gem, his smile threatening to split his head into two. This was it, it was the perfect gift. The gem he held was just small enough to fit perfectly in the dip of his palm. The color was a magnificent mixture of teal, swirling around the opposing sea-foam green. He thought the colors would excellency contrast with her crimson hair and her different colored eyes of azure and gold. This had to be made specifically for her by fate.

That's when the Dungeon began to collapse as Amon used the power he had left to transport Alibaba, Aladdin, and Morgiana back outside, also using the last of his Magoi to give Alibaba his own Djinn in his short dagger on his chest. On their way back, he and Aladdin made a promise to see the world together, with Alice by their side as well. He guessed that with that promise, is when everything start to fall apart.

Waking up in the crater of the vanished Dungeon, Alibaba knew the first things to do. He gave the majority of the money he gathered to a good cause of freeing all the slaves in the Qishan Oasis. Now, he ran to his rundown home, entering and noticing that Alice wasn't at his place. Shrugging, he then ran to her home, a place not too far from his own. He wasn't comfortable just walking in for numerous reasons, so he just sat beside her door waiting for her to return or for her to depart. None of which came.

He was there for hours when an older man called out to him.

"Are you not the young lad who just captured Dungeon Amon? What is someone like you doing here?" Alibaba quickly stood up as he spoke back to the elder, a smile on his face.

"I am. I'm waiting for a friend of mine to return home." He scratched his cheek as he chuckled. "If I don't tell her I made it back, she'll be angry with me, and that's pretty terrifying to think about." The man's face seemed to be shrouded in some sort of gloom at Alibaba's mention of his friend.

"You aren't, by chance, referring to the young red-haired lass are you?" Alibaba's face lit up.

"Yes, her! Do you know where she is or, when she'll be back?" The old man's eyes closed.

"It's seemed you'll have yet to hear about that girl." Alibaba's face fell. He start growing worried, his gut churning. Something was right.

"What are you talking about?" His voice was bitter sounding as he took a small step towards the old man.

"That young girl is-" Alibaba's eyes widened as the man spoke. His breath disappeared . Images of Alice flashed through his head as the old man left the boy, alone in the shabby ally. He imagined her. Her smile, her laugh. When she was scared. Her tears. Even her solemn apologies. Everything. He stumbled against the nearest wall, sliding on his shoulder until he hit the ground.

He pulled out the small gem he wanted so desperately to give to her. He stared at it as the figure of it began to blur and a few tears dripped from his yellow eyes. He clutched the stone to his chest as he cried, apologizing over and over under his breath.

"-now a slave for another country."

Alibaba spent the next day lazing around. He continuously gazed out his window, of his much more splendid home, and sighed every now and again. Budel spent his days sucking up to him, now that he had some money which meant power. That same day, Morgiana came to visit Alibaba, telling him that she and many others were grateful for his actions and hoped that someday he would find Aladdin as well as his friend who disappeared.

He hated thinking about it, what happened to Alice. She was gone, and just enough out of his reach for him to do nothing about it, but even then, he still had goals he needed to accomplish. He made up his mind that he had to leave soon and then head to Balbadd. Thus he did, and upon entering the country, he soon reunited with his childhood friend and then eventually learned that Balbadd was in a state of ruin. He needed to fix this country and the only way he could start was by joining a 'resistance' of sorts. The Fog Troupe.

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