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A/N - This is the end.  XD Sorry if it seemed rushed at all, I'm a bad writer, I know.  XD I tried to make it fluffy thought.  No sadness, yay me.  Progress away form Angst XD I hope you all enjoyed the short ride, and heres to the last of this short story.   Also, pretty long final bit, so be ready.  This is nearly 4,000 words.  I'm over doing myself XD



Sinbad had finally docked in Sindria, but he was starting to see worry in Alice's eyes. She had finally come to terms that she was on the same island as Alibaba. She had no idea how he would react to her being there, or just suddenly showing up. She was nervous to put it lightly. Sinbad then told her of a plan he had created to push off her seeing alibaba and also getting her use to Sindria.

She would live in the palace, like they had planned, but secretly for the time being. He set up a time for her to meet the 8 generals and they will somehow each teach her the ways of the kingdom and get her familiar with the island itself. She wasn't too keen on pushing off her seeing of Alibaba, but this did sound rather nice. She has spent 6 plus months away from him, what a few more days going to hurt? So she went along with it.

She was instructed to stay on board the ship Sin came in and wait for one of his subordinates that he'd send. He'd spoken of them before, rather highly in fact, so when he mentioned 'Ja'far', she got a pretty good idea on who he was coming to retrieve her. After about half and hour or just sitting on board the ship, she heard a knock on the door of the quarters she lounged in and quickly hopped up, opening the door.

Behind it was a man dressed in a white, official robe of Sin's council. His hair was white as the bridge of his nose was sprinkled in freckles. She smiled to him, that was definitely Ja'far, he was just as Sin had described him. He quickly bowed to her in greeting, she herself returning the gesture.

"I've been told of your situation, so I'm here to escort you to the palace. I welcome you to Sindria, Alice." She smiled as she placed her hands behind her head.

"Likewise. Thanks for the hard work Ja'far. Being alone with Sinbad gets quite difficult at times." Even though Sinbad had 2 of his generals with him, the entire time, Alice stayed out of eyesight and they had no idea she was ever there. They headed back to Sindria before Sin himself, so her traveling with him was a piece of cake.

"Considering you know who I am, I do hope Sin didn't completely make me sound like a fool." Alice snickered.

"Not at all. He talked quite highly of both you and Masrur." Ja'far looked at her. "Yeah, he talked a lot." Ja'far sighed as he then began to lead her off the ship. Her legs were a bit unused to being on still land and took a moment to get her bearings. Ja'far had taken her through a different course to the palace and once they got there, they had ended up on the lower levels of the castle, where the two were greeted by Sin and the other generals.

"Hey, glad to see you could make it." Sin raised his hand in greeting as Ja'far merely walked towards him. Alice crossed her arms.

"Of course, you think that was difficult? It's harder taking care of you." She smirked at him as Ja'far looked at Sin, a deadpan expression on his face. He was already assuming the worse. Sin raised his hands in defense and started before Ja'far could.

"Before you go off on me, I didn't do a thing to her." Ja'far raised a brow to him and heard Alice chuckled behind them and then let out a sigh. He placed his arms together in front of his chest, his long sleeves covering his arms.

"You're off the hook this time." Sin sighed in relief as he then cleared his throat and began to introduce the warriors behind him. Naturally, there was Ja'far, and the smaller, blonde girl's name was Pisit. The Young woman, who happened to be a great magician was Yamraiha. The tanned boy with the white hair was Sharrkan. The dragon, who had transformed and was born human, was known as Drakon. The exceedingly large man with blue hair was Hinahoho. Masrur was the Fanalis Sin had told her about, and Spartos was the man with short, red hair that matched Alice's and fared large armor. These were the ones who made up the Seven Seas Alliance, and they were people Alice could look up to.

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