First Time

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*mature content in this story*
If intense/sexual content bothers you, skip this one.. this is your warning (:
early Stefena days!! Stef & Lena have been officially together for over a month. Okay stefena lovers, enjoy!

Stef's POV
  How did I get so lucky?
I opened my door to see my beautiful girlfriend standing on the porch. Her natural, curly hair down just how I love it. Wearing a black, sleeveless dress cut just above her knees. Wow. She just looked per usual.
Lena's soft voice caught me out of my daze.
"Hey love, you okay?"
She said while laughing.
"Never better now that you're here."
I'm so corny, but she loves it.
Lena smiled shyly while looking me in the eyes, her brown orbs sparkling.
I couldn't help but look her up and down once again.
"Well, I think I've kept you out on the porch long enough!" I said kind of embarrassed.
"Come on in beautiful!"
I grabbed her hand and swiftly pulled her into the house, bringing her closer to me.
Lena put her arms around my waist, and I kissed her tenderly. My hands instantly went to her neck. As soon as I felt her lips on mine, I couldn't help but want more. Lena's lips are always so soft, they tasted so sweet. I don't know how I survived my life without these kisses until now.
I deepened the kiss and closed the front door with my foot.
I slowly walked Lena backwards and pressed her back lightly against the door.
"Even though I just saw you three days ago..I missed you.." Lena whispered the last three words into my neck. I instantly felt a shiver go down my spine.
I moved her head up so she was back on my lips.
As our tongues danced, I seductively rubbed up the left side of her body, starting at her hip and ending with her neck. I felt Lena softly moan into the kiss which turned me on more than ever before.
My desire was stirring, and I finally feel completely ready to physically show Lena just how much I care about her.
She began kissing and sucking on my neck, I couldn't hold in my soft moan.
"Lena?" I said almost out of breath.
"Yeah, baby?" She curiously looked up at me while rubbing my shoulders.
"I-I'm ready." I knew she'd know exactly what I meant.
She then smiled so big. She's the cutest thing.
Then, Lena hesitated, "You're sure though, right? I don't want to pressure you into doing something you're not yet ready for, in order to please me."
"I know you would never do that love, but I am completely ready for this. There's nothing I want more than to show just how much this amazing woman standing in front of me means to me."
I caressed her warm cheek with my thumb. She pulled me against her once again, smiling, and hugged me so tight. I reached down and lifted her up by the backs of her muscular thighs. I felt her legs wrap around my waist and her hands holding my neck.
She kissed me with so much passion and desire, I felt as if I could burst. I carried my girlfriend to my bedroom, our kiss never broken, as my skin tingled with excitement.
Once we got to my room, I lightly placed her onto the bed and stepped back to take this moment in. My mind was going crazy...seeing Lena sitting on my bed, biting her bottom lip.
While looking deeply into my eyes, she made a 'come here' motion at me with her pointer finger. As soon as I was in arms reach of her, she grabbed onto my blouse and started to unbutton the top of it. With each button she undid, she lightly stroked the new exposed skin with her fingers. The feeling of Lena's fingers on my skin is intoxicating. It's a feeling I never experienced before I met her.
Once all of the buttons were undone, she wrapped her arms around my stomach and rubbed her hands all over my lower back. Lena laid soft, open mouthed kisses on my stomach as my still standing legs began to tremble from nervousness and desire.  She slowly stood up, her mouth never leaving my body, as she started to kiss my neck and turn me around so my back was to my bed. Lena slid my blouse off my shoulders, with my blue, lace bra still remaining. She carefully reached behind me, as she went to undo my bra, she looked up at me silently asking for permission. I kissed her softly and winked at my breath taking girlfriend. As she unclasped my bra with one hand and slowly pulled each strap off my shoulders, I saw nothing but desire in her eyes.
"You are absolutely beautiful, Stef." Lena whispered in complete aw.
No one has ever taken the time like this with me before. To take things slow, to just enjoy the moment, to just enjoy each other.
"So are you, baby girl." I replied softly, tucking one of her curls behind her ear. Lena put her forehead against mine, and started to unbutton my pants. She pulled the zipper down and let them fall to the floor, along with my thong. I felt so exposed, but the way Lena was looking at me.. I've never felt more confident.
"As much as I do love this dress on you...I think it's time we get equal..." I said smirking as I pulled down the back zipper, letting it slowly fall to the ground, piling by her feet. She stepped out of her dress and I took in the sight before me. My jaw dropped. Lena looked amazing. Her beautiful breasts pushed up in a black, lacy bralette with a thong to match. I could feel my heartbeat quicken and the desire build even more, I couldn't take it any longer. I quickly grabbed her cheeks, pulling her lips back to mine, and entered her mouth with my tongue. She moaned into the kiss as she lightly sucked on my tongue, and pressed her body against the length of mine. I pulled away slightly to take her bra off, while licking and sucking on her neck. Lena closed her eyes in pleasure and let her head fall back, giving me more access. She started to knead my bare ass. Suddenly, Lena took over.
"This is my show now, baby." She sexily pushed me backwards onto the bed, her one hand just above my breasts. I laid back and sat at up on my elbows, watching the beauty standing in front of me. Lena grabbed each side of her panties, pulling them down torturously slow. My breath is caught in my throat.
Once she finally got them off, she spoke while smirking.
"See something you like, hun?
All I could manage to do was nod and bite my lip. Suddenly, she stepped towards me and pushed me down, so I was fully laying on my back. I felt my heart beat quicken as she slowly laid down on top of me. My whole body was tingling as she began to kiss me and lightly stroke up my arm with her fingertips. Feeling all of Lena's body everywhere on me was enough to take my breath away. I could feel her wetness on my thigh. She suddenly started to move her head down my chest until she reached my breasts. Lena slowly licked up between my breasts, leaving a trail of wetness, then kissed the tops of both them. She swiftly closed her lips around my left nipple, licking and sucking tightly on it. Lena's right hand immediately went to my other breast, kneading it gently. How is it that someone could make me feel this amazing? We've barely even started and I feel like I could have an orgasm already. I started holding onto the back of her head, stroking her curls, and keeping her in place. I slowly felt her right hand leave my breast and start to go lower and lower, just where I wanted it so badly to be. Her two fingers started to circle my clit. I moaned out like I never had before. I knew that I was so wet.
"Mmm oh my god..."
Lena let out a small giggle after my reaction, realizing what she could do to me.
She continued to rub my clit faster and faster, and licked her way over to my right breast. She latched onto my nipple, sucking it hard and then soothing it with her warm tongue. I was starting to loose control, I needed those sweet lips on mine. I pulled her up and slammed my lips onto hers, plunging my tongue into her mouth.
" you're so hot.." Lena whispered against my mouth.
I felt her hand slide down even further, as she inserted two fingers into my awaiting hole, as her palm rested on my clit with each pump. I moaned out so loud.
I threw my arms around her back, letting my hands roam all over.
I let my eyes close and my head go back in pleasure as she pumped in and out of me rapidly, her palm hitting my clit each time.
"Mm..Lena..Mm I'm so close.." I whimpered into her neck.
"Look at me then love, I want to see you.."
I looked her in those gorgeous, brown eyes as my climax began.
"Yes..AAHHH..Lena..don't stop.."
She added a third finger and I thought I was going to explode.
Her fingers were moving so fast, hitting my G-spot every time. I arched my back.
Lena whispered sexily in my ear, "come for me, my love.."
That sent me over the edge in that moment. I moved my hips in rhythm with her fingers as the pleasure kept intensifying. I rode out my orgasm as my legs were shaking and my heart was beating out of my chest.
As my breathing slowed and I came down from my ecstasy, Lena  pulled her fingers out of me, putting all three of them into her mouth, sucking my juices off of them. That was enough to make me let out another faint moan. She rolled off of me and snuggled into my shoulder.
"Oh my god..Baby..that was amazing.." I said rolling over to face her, still in aw about what just happened.
"Yeah? It was okay?" She stared into my eyes, looking for the answer.
I caressed her cheek,
"Okay? Lena, that was everything and more... Now I really know what it's like to have sex with someone you truly love."
I realized as soon as I said it, that we haven't said that we loved each other yet. Her face immediately lit up.
"Y-you love me?" She smiled so wide. I'm so in love with this woman.
"Of course I do. Lena Elizabeth Adams I love you. I love you with all my heart and I am so proud to say that."
I could see her eyes starting to get teary.
"Aww baby don't cry!" I said letting out a small giggle while tucking a curl behind her ear.
She grabbed my hand, keeping it on the side of her head and moved even closer to me, intertwining our legs.
"Stef.. I love you too. So, so much. You make me the happiest woman in the world..I'll never get over the fact that I get to call you mine.."
"Oh my god I'm the one getting teary!"
She let out a laugh and kissed me tenderly, with so much love and lust.
"I love you, babe."
I could never get tired of hearing her say these words to me.
"I love you too, Lena."
She smiled widely and went back into our kiss, letting her tongue trail against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips and welcomed her in, lovingly. I moved my hand down her body, slowly, feeling the goosebumps rising on her skin. Once I got to her butt, I grabbed on, squeezing and kneading her left ass cheek.
"I see someone wants to go for round two..." my love said while smirking. How is she so beautiful.
"Lena..babe you have no idea..There's so much I want to do to you right now.. "
"Ooo really..well I'm all yours baby.." She winked at me.
I jumped at the chance. I rolled on top of her, straddling her waist, bending down to place open-mouthed kisses all over her chest.
I knew in that moment that this is just the start of a beautiful night.

I hope you all enjoyed this one shot! Please let me know if you'd like a part two in the comments! Remember to vote & comment so I know you're reading (: Leave suggestions/prompts if you have any!

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