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Jim's can't really remember the last time he really did anything on Christmas. Back in Iowa, his mom and Frank never did anything much, although Sam sometimes would save up to get his little brother something. At the academy it was an excuse to go get drunk on a day off from classes. On the Enterprise, he never really got a chance to, there was always a mission to go on, report to write, or other distraction. Then when he started dating Leonard, almost three years after they had met, it changed.

Starfleet had granted the crew of the Enterprise a few days leave during the holidays, and Jim considered making the trip back to Iowa to visit his mother, but he found that she was at Starfleet headquarters. He really didn't think of asking Bones, he didn't want to impose or anything, he was probably going to visit Jo.

So when Leonard came back to their quarters after he was supposed to have left Jim was surprised. He was muttering to himself once the doors opened,and then he caught sight of Jim who was sitting on the bed, "What the hell are you still doing here Jim?"

Jim forced a smile that he hopped looked real enough, "Hey Bones, thought you had left?"

Of course McCoy knew when Jim was faking a smile, "I could ask the same of you kid, aren't you going to visit your mom?"

Kirk felt his smile falter, "No, she's on duty, didn't want to bother anyone."

"Darlin', why didn't you tell me? You're welcome to come with me, Jo is dieing to meet you in person."

"No, Bones you deserve to have some time alone with your daughter, don't need me to weigh you down."

"Jim, do you really think that I don't want to spend time with you?" Leonard asked as he had made his way further into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, turned toward Jim.

"You should probably get going, don't want to miss your shuttle," Jim tried to deflect the other man's attempt to find out what was wrong. Jim already knew he wasn't really wanted around.

"Come on Jim, answer me," the older man persisted, a look of worry passing over his face.

Jim already felt bad, he didn't need to worry the doctor any more, he would be just fine on his own, like always, "Come on Bones, you gotta get going, I think your forgot your PADD, it's on that desk over there."

"Alright, you're coming with me," Leonard declared, standing up and going toward the storage unit where Jim tossed his clothes that he wore off duty. He began to stuff a few shirts and pairs of Jeans, among other things into a black duffle bag that was also tucked into the compartment.

"What are you doing?" Jim questioned as he got up from the bed, shuffling over through the dim room to where Bones was busily packing a bag.

Leonard turned around and looked Jim in the eye, "You're coming with me, so if you need something else grab it," McCoy gently, but firmly grasped Jim's chin, and let their lips meet, in a soft kiss, "I love you Jim Kirk, and you're coming home with me for Christmas, and unless you can come up with a damn good excuse to not come, you better help me pack you some clothes."

"Bones, really I'll just get in the way of everything."

Leonard turned to look at him again, "Sweetheart, you may be stubborn and reckless at times, but do really think I don't want you around?" before Jim could answer he continued, "Because I do, and Jim I really do love you, god, you're the love of my life, and that's cheesy, but it's true. Also my daughter would love to meet you in person, she looks foward to every time you have a vid chat with her."

Jim blinked slowly, trying to process the turn of events, "Jo wants to meet me?"

"Hell yes she does! It's always Jim this, Jim that, she loves you too you know," Bones smiled.


The shuttle ride down to Earth went smoothly, there was no turbulence on the way down, but Jim still felt sick to his stomach. Leonard had noticed and gripped his hand, before kissing his temple, and telling him how much he loved him, before making the blonde laugh about some stupid joke he had made.

When Jim's feet hit the ground, he was followed by Bones, and they got into the awaiting hover car parked near the landing pad. Bones slipped into the driver's seat, just as Jim shut the door to the passenger side. They drove through Georgia, the Kirk getting lost in the scenery as the countryside whipped by, and before they knew it, the car was pulling into a driveway where a small house stood.

Jim jumped slightly when McCoy spoke, "Ready?" Jim gazed at the house, he never really thought about where Leonard had lived before his divorce. It surprised him, the house was small, quaint looking. He must have been lost in thought as he jumped again when Bones tapped on his window, opening the door and pulling the younger man up.

The front door opened with a slam and a little girl with brown pigtails came raising out across the yard, "Daddy!"

"Hey sugar!" McCoy called back, before he was tackled in a blur of overly excited 6 and a half year old.

Jim couldn't help but smile at the moment before him. Joanna looked up at Jim and her face pulled an even bigger smile, "Jim!"

He knelt down and hugged her, as she wrapped herself around him, "Hey Jo! How are you?"

"I'm good! You and daddy, are here, and it's going to be the best Christmas!" She giggled, "Can we go to your spaceship, please?"

Jim couldn't help but laugh, "Maybe, I don't know what your dad wants to do."

A woman stepped out onto the porch and Jim felt Bones stiffen at his side slightly, "All be right back."

Joanna took up residence in Jim's arms as she looked up at him with her large brown eyes, "How big is your ship? What do you get to eat? Do you like my daddy?"

Jim smiled again, "The Enterprise is pretty big, all the crew live there," before he could answer anymore of the questions, Bones had come back over,"Well, we get the rest of the weekend to ourselves, where do you want to go?"

"I want to go see the Enterprise," she said nodding, causing her pigtails to bob.

Leonard shrugged, "Sure, looks like I didn't need to pack a bag anyway."

Lucky Scotty had stayed aboard the ship, and arranged to have them beamed up. Once aboard Jim watched as Joanna bolted from corridor to corridor closely followed by her father who, laughed along with her as she discovered the marvels of a starship.

Jim laughed as Jo wondered at the newfound tools in the medbay wich her father took time to explain what each one did. She listened intently as Scotty explained a warp core, and how to transport things to a planet. Hikaru was still on the bridge, and he showed her how he plotted a course to a new planet. Jim sat her up on the captain's chair as she proudly looked out at the space dock, as if she had made the most important discovery of her life.

By the time Jo had exhausted herself, Leonard scooped her up and they trudged back to their quarters. Jim paused, before going over to the bed, and dropping to his knees, and reached under the bed. He came back up with a box, which he sat on the bed, "Jo, I was going to send this to you, but you're here now so do you want to open it?"

Joanna nodded vigorously, and then scurried over to the bed, and jumped on it. Carefully she opened the box. With wide eyes, she pulled out a stuffed animal, it was a light blue teddy bear, with a large smile and big eyes. The other items which were small model space ships. Jo looked up at Jim and smiled, crawling over to hug Him, without letting go of her new gifts.

Jim collapsed on the couch in his captain's quarters, and Bones squeezed beside him Jo dozing slightly in his lap. Bones rested his head on Jim's chest, and Jo was tucked under McCoy's arm.

Jo twisted around slightly, "Daddy, this was the best Christmas ever."

Leonard sighed, and closed his eyes relaxing and letting himself fall asleep. Before Jim finally gave into sleep himself he smiled to himself and agreed with Jo, this was the best Christmas ever.

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