Chapter 2- "rumors spread fast at this school"

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1 week later-

     I've finally gotten used to this gigantic mess of a house. This house was more than twice the size of our old house in St. Louis. My new closet was the size of my old bedroom. No joke. My new bedroom is so cute, it almost dulls the pain of moving 1800 miles away from my home town. Almost. And I finally got my car! It's a BMW 328i. I guess I'm starting to like LA, but I may have jinxed myself considering that my first day of school is tomorrow. I'm so nervous and I don't even know why. I've always been social and easy to make friends, but this is just so different. I should pick out my outfit, that'll ease my anxiety. Hopefully. Sighing loudly, I walk to my now full wardrobe and search through every garment in it. I finally walk out with a pair of high waisted, black, ripped skinny jeans, a grey crop top with a little alien emoji on it, my adidas and a black velvet choker. I set it on my vanity and go to my bathroom to take a long, thoughtful shower. 

1 hour later (10pm)

    I finally get out, relieved of my anxiety and I sit at my desk and put my laptop on it's charger along with my phone. How should I do my hair? Should I wear make up? Is it gonna be too hot to wear the jeans I picked out? Millions of questions fly around my head as the reality of my life rushes back in. It's okay Isla chill. And for inner peace, I answer as many of my own questions as I can. I'l wear my hair straightened and down, I'll wear some mascara and eyeliner; nothing much. And it's always cold inside schools, let's be honest. Satisfied, I throw notebooks and pencils and books etc. all into my backpack, crawl into my bed and peacefully fall asleep.


Beep, Beep, BEEP

     My phone alarm seems to grow more and more aggressive as it sounds. I groan in realization that I have to go to school today. Think on the bright side, Isla, at least you don't have to start in the middle of the semester. I nod at my own pep statement and swing my legs over the side of the bed. It's a new day, Isla. Come on. I stalk over to my vanity where I had laid my clothes the night before I take them into the bathroom with me and since I took a shower the night before I just freshen up a lil.  I straighten my hair like I decided to do last night and put on my mascara and eyeliner also. I get dressed and look myself up and down in the full body mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Looking goooood. I decide my outfit would look so much cuter if I wore my black polo cap. So i put it on and it did look cute so I kept it on. Satisfied, I turned on my heels and walked out of the bathroom to find my backpack. It was so cute, it was marble print and I love marble.  I look through my backpack to make sure I have each and every supply I needed. Checking everything off of my mental list, I leave my room and glide down the spiral stairs. I walk into the kitchen to find my mom with a box of muffins. "Fresh from the bakery down the street, enjoy. By the time you're ready for school, I'll be long gone." I nod as I reach for a gigantic blueberry muffin. As my mom is halfway down the hall "Please make sure you drop your brother off too." I don't understand why she felt the need to say that because we go to the same school anyway.  I finish the delicious muffin and run back upstairs to brush my teeth, and make sure my brother is ready. "Jonathan? You ready?" I ask as I peek through the crack of his door. "Yeah lemme get some breakfast first." he says flying out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. He inhales the muffin in record time even for him, making me laugh. He picks up his backpack "Let's go, sis." I grab my backpack, phone and keys and walk out of the garage door to my shiny new car. We get in and I start the car. It still has that new car scent. "Seatbelts, so we can be safe!" I say making Jonathan laugh "Okay Dora, okay." he says with a chuckle. In about 5 minutes we arrive at  South Renner High. Jonathan and I exchange nervous glances as we search for a student parking space. Finally finding one, we get out and look around. There are soo many people. I am not used to this many people ohmygod. We walk in together and we earn way more stares than I thought we would get. A few groups of people share whispers and hushed conversations, but they weren't very good at it because I can't tell you how many times I heard "That's the new girl!" or "Dam, I did not expect her to be so hot.". Jonathan just anxiously followed me down the crowded halls. He wouldn't get this much attention because he would be a freshman, where everyone was new to everything. I had made a point of memorizing the school map so as to not stick out as the 'new girl' but it seems that I've already been spotted. I feel like I'm some sort of prey, but I say goodbye to Jonathan nonetheless and find my locker seconds later. I put the excess books into my locker as I recited my schedule in my head. AP Chem.- 1st period. AP  Spanish- 2nd period, Stem- 3rd pe- Before I could finish my recital, my locker was abruptly closed, exposing a boy's silhouette  behind the door. "I've been sitting here for a good 20 seconds, and you haven't noticed at all.." he says with amusement lacing his words "Oh, sorry. I was thinking." I say, reopening my locker to finish putting in my books and then closed it to continue my conversation with the boy. "No problem princess, I just wanted to introduce myself." I finally look at him in the face and take in his presence. He was tall as could be, well at least compared to me. He had brown hair and sultry hazel eyes. And I couldn't help but notice the letterman's jacket he wore upon his toned figure. "I'm Rowland Miller. Aaand you're Isla Grey, right?" I nod slowly as a smirk appears on his flawless face. This is not you Isla, TALK. I say to myself, in my head of course. "That's me, how'd you know my name?" He smiles "Rumors spread fast at this school." he says, his sparkling grin still plastered on his face. "Well I have to get to class, Rowland, it was nice meeting you!" I say as I start walking away slowly. "Wait! Um, lemme see your schedule! Maybe we have some classes?" he says looking at the small card in my hand. I hand it to him and he scans the list as his perfect smile reappears on his face. "We have 1st and 5th together. We have homeroom and lunch. I can walk you to class if you want??" he says with pleading eyes. I nod "That sounds- perfect actually. Thanks!" I say looking up at him. "No problem, I don't mind at all." We walk down the crowded hall, and I expect to be suffocated, but the crowds basically split like the Red Sea as Rowland leads me through them. A handful of greetings were thrown at him, a few pertaining to me. "Hey Rolo!!" "Who's that. Is that the new girl?" "Wasssup my guy!!" "Dam get you one!" I roll my eyes at each comment involving me. 

       We finally make it into the class. "Sorry about that!" he says "Sorry about what?" I reply, sure it was annoying, but I'm grateful "The people in the hall, people are quick to assume things."  I nod, "It's totally cool." I say with a smile "Cool." he says as he sits down in the back row. I start to sit in the front row but rowland calls out "Isla, come sit next to me!" so I sit next to him. Soon, the halls thin and the classes are soon to become occupied. Some of Rowland's friends start to fill up the seats around us and I become the only girl in the group. But I don't mind much, I've always been a 'one of the guys' type of girl.  "whoa who's thissss?" says a blonde boy, quietly into Rowland's ear. "introduce me dude!" he says. I hate when guys are like this. Rowland clears his throat "Um, Isla, this is James." James raises his hand, along with his eyebrows. Ugh. "It's nice to meet you, Isla." I nod. "Nice to meet you too." I say, wanting to keep my distance. "Can I get your number babyg-" his request was abruptly halted by the 1st bell of the day. Rowland and I let out a small chuckle and seconds later a chubby, older woman walks into the room. She seems like the type to have 37 cats, but it's whatever. A few snickers are heard throughout the classroom as the woman picks a crumb out of her grey hair. "Hello class, my name is Tonya Waller. But you will address me by Ms. Waller. Agreed?" she says in a surprisingly loud and cheery voice but the class monotonously answers a slew of 'yes ma'am's and 'ok's.  "I'm going to call the roll, please answer here or present" she goes down the list of names, and in response the bored students answer. "Isla Grey?" she says slowly, leaving me cringing as she pronounced Isla as IZLA, when it's supposed to be pronounced like EYELA. "Here but it's pronounced Isla, as in eye." she nods  "Sorry, I'm not good with names." she says absentmindedly as if she uses that excuse all the time. "It's fine." I reply. A few more names are called and she continues the list of expectations. Class drones on, and soon enough the bell sounds and we are allowed to leave. I get up and start walking out but an arm wraps around my forearm "I'll walk you to your next class." rowland says, looking into my eyes as if to ask for permission. I nod and wait for him to gather his things. We walk out of the door and immediately are bombarded with dozens of questions. "Are y'all dating?" What the world.. it's only the first day of school. But either way, this is not how I expected my day to go. But I guess I'd rather this than everyone picking on me. 

       Rowland drops me off at my next class and I go and sit down at the first empty seat I can find. Soon thereafter, a girl sits next to me. She seems so bubbly and happy, and I don't exactly know why, I mean it's the first day of school. "Hi, are you new? I've never seen you around here before." she asks with a kind of high voice. "Yeah I am, I'm Isla." I say with a stupid small wave. She grins "Oh, you're the girl Rowland's been hanging with right? Well it's nice to meet you! I'm Daya!" she says a wide grin on her face. "Nice to meet you too!" I say genuinely. "I love your outfit omg, where'd you get that shirt?" she squeals. "I don't remember, I think Forever 21." I reply "We have to go shopping together! I'll give you my number and I can show you the best shops around LA." she says with a genuine smile "Sounds great!" and with that she wrote down her number on a sticky note and handed it to me. "There you go! I feel like we're gonna be great friends." she says looking down at her schedule "Me too!" I say truthfully. "What classes do you have??" she asks as she scans her own schedule. I hand her my schedule "We have.. 2nd, 3rd and 5th!" she exclaims. "Rad." I say, amusing myself. Maybe this year won't be so bad "I'll introduce you to some of my friends at lunch!" and as soon as that statement escaped her lips, the bell rang. The class kept talking and I wondered why. I scanned the classroom, several Spanish banners and posters peppered the walls, but the teacher was no where to be seen. Around 2 minutes pass and the door is slammed abruptly, causing the whole class to jump. I turn around in my seat, ending the conversation with Daya and another girl named Julie.  

      "Good Morning Class, I'm Wesley Tucker. Mr. Tucker to you. Mr. T if you'd like."  says a man sitting at the teacher's desk with his head down. Everyone rolls their eyes, anxious already to get out of class. But everyone's perspective was transformed when he lifted that head of his.

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