Chapter 3

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School is canceled so I have time to write :)



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Chills ran through my bones, causing me to shiver. What was he? Who smiles when their girlfriend is kidnapped? Jace wasn't normal, no he was something more. All thoughts of mine were on that terrifying smile as I drove back to the hotel. How could someone smile when something terrible happens to them?

The moonlight did nothing to calm my nerves. I roughly pulled Reyna out of the car, "Get up." She whimpered, holding onto the car for support. However, I purposefully closed the door on her fingers. Reyna's undeniable cry echoed in the hollow, lonely night.

I wasn't in the mood to be friendly. Her stupid rich family ruined all our lives. They hold the key to finding the creature, yet they do not share. What do they need it for anyways? It held no significance in their lives. As much I as I didn't want to, I took it out on Reyna. She had such a good life, what was there for her to worry about?

Except for me, of course.

Crisp, cold wind flew by, lifting the strands of my elegant hair. I slowly opened the door, watching as she slid her hand into her chest. The strangled animal look was evident in her eyes. However, I did not feel bad. I actually felt nothing at all. I kneeled down in front of her, "Get up.

Her mouth dropped open in shock. That's right. She should be shocked. She hasn't witnessed enough of the world. She hasn't seen the horrors that were kept hidden from her. I made it my ultimate goal to reveal each horror to her. One by one... slowly.

A smirk plastered itself onto my face, showing Reyna the true monster I was. When she made no attempt to get up, I used the back of my hand to hit her in the face, "What did I say Reyna?" My voice held so much venom, but at the same time it was so cold... emotionless. I myself was surprised.

An unknown feeling passed through me as Reyna's sharp eyes met mine. Did I feel threatened? I couldn't. This weak girl can't do anything against me. I sharply pulled her arm up, literally dragging her into the assassin's quarters. Once again, everyone froze. Their gazes were not on me, but on the bloody young girl trailing behind me.

Whispers rushed through the crowd as they took the rich girl in. Smirks were on most faces. My fingers tightened around Reyna's wrist, enough to leave a bruise. A wide path in the crowd was cleared for us as I tossed Reyna into one of the cells.

Hastily, I called over a medic to look over her wounds. I needed her to stay alive or else I wouldn't get the documents. I needed them. Not wanted, needed. This deal was so important to me and everyone else here. I wouldn't know what to do if I failed them.

I rushed into my room, taking a shower. As the water cascaded down my back, I thought and thought. Who was I? Was I really Kara Card? It didn't feel real. Four years ago, I was a selfless, sweet girl. Ever since that scar on my back, my life took a turn. It flipped completely. It made no sense.

I scraped the dried blood off my fingernails, turning the steaming water off. Goosebumps rose on my skin when I stepped out of the shower, sending a shiver up my spine. As I wrapped my towel around my body, my eyes traveled to the mirror. Who was I to be scared of my own reflection? It felt surreal.

I woke up strong. I woke up better than before. I woke up a Queen. Was that even possible? I dried my body, slipping on some black jeans and a navy blue button up blouse. Dark colors always fit me. Before, lighter colors would suit me more. With my dark brown hair and tan skin. However it was so different now.

I sloppily tied my stark white hair into a bun, once more looking into the mirror. My pale skin contrasted against the dark clothes like day and night. It made me shine more, however despite that, I still looked dead. I didn't expect to be so... ethereal. It made me seem like a fantasy, a figment of someone's dark imagination.

I couldn't help but think I was in hell. Even if everyone else thought I was living such a prestigious life, I wasn't. No, I was far from it. I was only one monster, surrounded by other ones. Other ones stronger, scarier, and ruthless. I only had one thread that kept me hanging. One thread that held me to my old life.

I was so afraid. I am still afraid. What would happen to me when that string gets cut off? Would I lose everything I had? A pang in my chest had me leaning against the wall. This is what no one would see. No one would see me suffer like this. No one.

Death and darkness cooed into my ear like friend. Still, I knew better. At least they were better than most people. Most people ran away from me. Why? They're scared. Scared of something death can embrace. They're scared of something death can love.

I chuckled lightly to myself. That's right. The only thing that loves you is death. Give into it Kara. My self conscious told me many times. It told me to give in. I sure as hell wanted to, but I couldn't. Not yet. Not until I finish what someone... no, something else started.

Not yet. Not yet.


Thank you for reading!

This chapter might be a little confusing, I apologize for that! It's mostly just monologue haha.

ALSO: If anyone is suffering from depression and would like to talk, just know I am always here! Love yourself because you are beautiful no matter what anyone says. You are you, and you ARE beautiful. Inside and out. Seriously. You are so unique, you are you. You're all so special. If you think no one loves you, get that out of your head. There is always someone who loves you, whether you realize it or not. Stay strong! You can do it! You are ok, you are alright. You will make it through.

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