Chapter 13

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Back at it again :^) Are y'all excited for Isabella?



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It was like April had said. Queen Isabella Pallos had come. However, she was nothing like I expected. Her gold dress dripped around her, hugging her ever so nice curves. You can't forget the beautiful crown perched on top of her honey brown hair. She was gorgeous compared to April and I.

Her jade green eyes locked on Dominic's own chocolate ones. A smile played on her luscious pink lips as she walked over there, giving him a small kiss. April had cringed beside me, taking in the Helios royal. How she managed to look so elegant and regal? I don't know, but she was truly a queen.

Dominic had motioned for April and I to take care of Isabella, which I reluctantly complied to. Was he testing me? He should know who I really am. Thoughts like that had made me furious. Dominic was cruel, almost as bad as Ryland. Even though he wasn't abusive or psychotic, this form of torture hurt even more.

Pain flashed through my eyes for a quick second once my eyes had made contact with his. He knew who I was. Not too long ago, he almost called my name. Not Kara, not Lena...but Alena. Dominic knew, and whatever he planned to do would hurt me forever. If what April said was true, he wouldn't do this to me.

My head snapped back towards Isabella, refusing to glance at Dominic. The queen had ordered us to grab her bags and lead her to her room. I rolled my eyes, I'd see her true personality soon. Very, very soon. Grabbing the suitcases, April and I trudged towards her quarters.

Peering in, the room was suited for a queen. It was three times bigger than the small space our family was provided. Scoffing quietly, April and I gently set her suitcases by the bed. Queen Isabella's heels clicked on the marble floor not too far from us. A smirk was displayed on her face as she dismissed us, taking in the entire room.

Wasn't it the same in Helios? It shouldn't be that different from Kronos, Dominic's kingdom. Unless she was just smirking because Dominic was here. I take it was the latter. April and I inclined our heads towards her slightly before leaving the ginormous room.

"Stupid royals." I heard April mutter. She looped her arm in between mine, taking me to our favorite hangout spot, the garden. The light from the Sun danced around us as we stepped through the gates. Both our faces beamed when we saw Petunia taking care of the roses.

"Mom!" April screamed as we both ran over to her, giving her a big hug. Petunia chuckled, patting our shoulders.

"How are my favorite girls?" Sweat gleamed on her forehead, obviously from working too hard. April noticed the same thing, glancing towards me worriedly. She was getting older and it wasn't right for her to do this all alone.

"We can take over for you, go rest inside," My voice was sweet and subtle, hoping she would accept. Petunia dusted herself off, shaking her head. She set down her tools and laughed.

"Don't feel bad for me because I'm growing more gray hairs," Petunia tucked strands of loose hair behind my ear, "It's ok sweetie, I can do it."

"Mom, let us do it this one time." Petunia shook her head lightly, pointing her dainty finger towards the gate. April and I turned around, seeing a guard walk towards us.

"Hello, is it fine if King Dominic borrows Lena Galanis?" The unknown man relayed. My heart beat in my chest so fast it caused pain. What did he want from me?

"It's fine. I'll help you guys with gardening later," Petunia smiled at me while April just snorted. She didn't really like how Dominic acted lately, and I understand her. However, I didn't understand why she hated it so much.

I didn't bother fixing up my appearance as the sentinel led me to a door, knocking on it. The door opened not too long after, revealing a very tired Dominic. The guard bowed, leaving me and Dominic alone, "What do you want?"

Dominic gently pushed me inside the room, locking the door behind him. Papers lie messily across the room, accompanying a computer rested on the middle of an old, oak desk, "We need to talk." I heard his sigh as he faced me.

A monotonous laugh escaped my lips, "About what Your Majesty?" Those words were normally used as a sign of respect, but when said by me, it felt like poison. Dark circles had shown under his eyes and his shoulders were slack. What has he been doing?

"About what you say? You tell me." His tone was playful, yet his face showed no emotion. My eyes subconsciously rolled as I glared at Dominic.

"You call me in here so I can state my problems? Ok I will then. Tell me who I really am, tell me what I'm really capable of. Why do I have an abusive ex lover? Why is my life full of shit? Why give me something to make me happy when I could lose it so easily?"

A stark cold hand grabbed my wrist, causing me to look into those mesmerizing brown eyes. They searched my face for lies, yet no lies were spoken, "Do you really think that I want you to suffer?"


He let go of my wrist, knowing my answer full well, "If you don't want me to, tell me the answers to my questions. Stop avoiding it," I spat at him. His face was twisted in concern as he took in my appearance. His eyes raking my body from head to toe, "Stop."

"Do you remember what I said in the car? I would return the favor since you did the same thing to me," Dominic walked over to his computer, motioning for me to come over as if he hadn't avoided my questions, "I also said I wanted to forget what happened to you. You know why?"

His finger clicked a button on the keyboard, showing me a video. It was a video of me... and Ryland. I was crawling backwards on the floor at the time, trying to run away from the ever so close Ryland. However Ryland had trapped me underneath him, running a hand over my bare skin.

Even though he wasn't here, I could still feel his touch as if it only happened yesterday. I shuddered involuntarily as I took in what I was seeing. The girl in the video, me, reached for the drawer and shot herself. The body fell on the floor, limp and unmoving. Ryland still touched me after that, marking myself as his.

Tears formed in my eyes as I sunk against a wall, forgetting that Dominic was still in the room. That video played over and over in my mind. Haunting me. Once Dominic's face came into view, anger took over me, "Do you understand now?"

I didn't bother responding to that as I slapped him in the face, "You're no worse than Ryland." My feet helped me storm out of the room, away from Dominic, away from that video. Outside, I had saw a grinning Isabella. I ignored her however. After all, the stories about Dominic and I were a lie. Helios didn't belong to me and Dominic never belonged to me.

He was all hers. And she was all his.


Only a little sneak peak of Isabella so far, but don't worry. You'll see more of her later.

Do you think what Dominic did was fair? What do you think of Isabella so far?

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