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Sitting in my History class, I don't pay much mind of what the Professor is saying. My mind is wondering, back to the past, of a year ago. But I shouldn't be surprised, if I'm not careful, my mind will slip into the past and it does just that.

I feel his calloused hands on my arms, his hot breath against my neck. He was being a distraction again, as I try to do my homework and he's supposed to help me. "Stop it," I whisper, trying not to lose control.

He kisses my neck, over his love marks he's made so many times over again. "Five minutes," he whispers against my ear.

Laughing, I push him away. "Five minutes isn't enough for you. You love dragging it out and make me go mad, with need." I tell him truthfully.

He presses his chest against my back, as I start working on my homework again and try really hard to ignore the flame, he's ignited in my lower regains. "The best love, is when you drag it out." His hands, rest on my hips. "That's the wrong formula, for that answer." He whispers against my ear and then even bites it lightly.

Groaning, I work quickly to clear what I wrote down. "Then help me and stop distracting me." I complain, looking up at him.

"Fine," he sits behind me, with his legs caging me in and rests one of his hands on my stomach holding me as close as possible against him. "Now, miss, math challenge, we are going to have to completely start over." He tells me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Oh, come on!" I complain, doing as he says and start my homework all over again.

My phone buzzes from a text, snapping me out of the daydream and out of habit, I touch my neck, but I know there is nothing there. His marks are long gone.

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I look at the clock before I open the message box. Class will be over in five minutes. Going to my text box, I look who the message from.

Eric: Party tonight. No choice. It says.

Me: Homework + I'm not going.

Eric: Either you come to the party, or BEAST will drag you there herself. U know how she is.

Groaning softly, I text back, knowing there is no way I can get out of this alive.

Me: I hate you both. Sending that message, I pack my stuff up, just a few seconds before my Professor says class is over and bolt, to go to work for a few hours.


I love the smell of old books and a sorted of other things, in the shop that I work in. This job isn't the highest paying job in the world. But I like it and it's not like I'm paying everything on my own. I live with Eric and our other housemate Terra. The shop gets a good flow of customers, so it's never like I have to take a pay cut or anything like that.

The front door jingles. "I'll be right there!" I yell out, as I put the last book away. Going to the front, where the door is, books, small coffee shop and sitting area, I stop dead in my tracks. When I see the man standing inside, looking at candles by some bookmarks. It isn't the man I ran away from. But this man is one of his personal bodyguards. "Shit." I whisper.

Before the man has a chance to look up at me, I run quickly to the back and lock myself in the employees break room. Heart pounding, I slowly slide against the door. Someone else will take care of the man, that walked in and question me later, why I freaked out. But I won't tell them the truth. I can't.

If he's here, then it's only a matter of time, till that man I've been running and hiding from, for a year isn't far behind him. My phone beeps at me, scaring me so bad I jump. With shaky hands, I pull my cell phone out and it's a picture message.

Opening the picture message, it's a picture of me sleeping, in silver sleek sheets. My hair is all sprawled out over the pillow. Below it, there is a message. READY OR NOT, HERE I COME LITTLE MOUSE. YOU WILL SOON BE HOME, WHERE YOU BELONG AND SLEEPING AT MY SIDE ONCE AGAIN.

His Mafia Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now