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Pov: Logan

Waking up the next day, my eyes set on my mom. She is reading a book, wearing a black skirt, matching jacket and red blouse. Her hair is up in a bun. Mom almost never puts on make-up, she doesn't need it, her features are of high quality.

She glances up at me, and smiles at me. "Hey sleepy head, how are you feeling?" She asks, as she gets up.

Heavily drugged and happy. "Alright at the moment. Where is Ally?" I know Ally safe, my parents would never let anything happen to her, they love her as the future daughter-in-law she will someday will be. Even after everything that happened, they still care for her.

She pushes the cart of food close to me. "Probably still in her room, they had to give her some medication for the pain and they said it would help her sleep."

Worry for the woman I love makes my heart hurt, because of the danger in her life that she gets from her dad and the danger that I bring to her. "How bad is she?" I whisper, feeling my stomach turn in a painful way.

"She has burns that will heal, maybe a bump or two on her head and bruises. You're the worst off, out of the four of you. You have a couple cracked ribs, they had to pop your arm and shoulder back in to place and you have a few bruises on your face." She tells me.

Taking in a deep breath, I wince a little when I let it out. "Just slap some make-up on my face for a week or two, no one will notice."

"Yes, they will, Pretty Boy." A teasing voice says.

Looking up its Ally, she has a small smile on her face, but grimaces when she walks into the room. Mom quickly grabs the chair that easily moves around; once Ally sits down, and mom pushes her forward to sit next to my bed.

Out of habit, I hold my palm facing up. But she doesn't take it or even look at it. "And why do you say people will notice?" I ask her.

She yawns, quickly covering her mouth. "Sorry, the meds they gave me to help me sleep are still sort of in my system." She rubs her eye looking adorable. "Anyways, the reason I said it, is because you can't blind make-up into your skin. Remember that Halloween party we went to? I had to redo your make up twice, because you didn't put it on right and the second time, because you wouldn't stop touching your face."

I roll my eyes and roll my shoulders back, but soon wince in pain. Probably have inner bruising.

"When are they letting us out?" Ally asks my mom.

"Not till Monday. That'll give us enough time to move you two, somewhere safer." Mom says, giving us both an even look.

"I'm not leaving." Ally says flatly. "I'm going to school, I've had to move so many times and transfer to so many schools, I'll be lucky to graduate."

I should really never open my mouth when she gets into this challenging mood of hers, but sometimes, I just can't help myself. "You wouldn't have to be doing all that, if you just stayed home."

She sets her eyes on me and if looks could kill, I would have been dead a long time ago. Think the first dirty look I ever got, was in first grade, when I put a booger on some kid shirt. "And you don't need to kill people in your home and have a sadistic crazy smile on your face when you kill them." She says, as she glares at me.

Mom clears her throat, but we keep staring one another down. "Children if you two keep challenging one another like this, I'm going to handcuff you two together. I know Logan would enjoy that because he would be with you 24/7." When I look at her at the corner of my eye, I see her look at Ally. "But Ally I know, you wouldn't enjoy it. So please play nice and do as I say." Ally backs down first and looks over at my mom, a second before I do the same. "Now, as soon as this is dealt with, I can promise you Ally, you will get your degree in whatever you wish to become. But right now, we need to take steps for your two safeties. We will move you two, to the Light House home. Logan will have to be your teacher because the collage there doesn't offer much. But something is better than nothing."

Mom stands up, kisses me on the head and when she walks by Ally, mom does the same thing, then goes to the door, opens it and then looks over her shoulder at us. "Please don't kill him Ally, I know he can be a handful sometimes. But don't do it and Logan, don't make her want to kill you, because if you do, it'll be your fault." Then she leaves, closing the door behind her.

Rolling my eye's, I rub my face. "Mom and her horrible jokes for twenty plus years." I groan out.

"Why does this feel like couples therapy?" Ally asks me.

Lazily turning my head at her, I give her a sloppy smile. "Because in a way it is." Maybe this can be like a restart button in a way? "Ally," I watch her rub her eyes, trying to make the sleep go from her eyes. "When we go there, can we start over? Completely start over, not as complete strangers. But clean slate, is all I'm asking for."

She yawns again. "You're asking for a clean slate? Then you can't do, one thing." She gets up, nudging me over and of course I move over without complaint, so she can get in bed with me and cuddle up to my side. "If you have to integrate, threaten, hurt or kill, you can't do it in the house."

Turning my head, so my lips rest on her head, I kiss it softly. "Done." I say softly, taking note her breathing slow and soon, I drift off to sleep as well holding the woman I love in my arms.

Pov: Ally

I hate goodbyes, always have. That's why I like to move in the dead of night, like a ghost or how I've always thought of my vanishing skills, as a ninja.

Early Monday morning, Logan and I are released and soon as we are, we go to where I share a home with my new friends. There is crying and glaring, most of the glaring comes from Eric though.

With the last bag in the SUV, I give my friends a hug. Terra whispers softly in my ear, so Eric can't hear. "I'll protect him," she says softly.

I shake my head, and without another look, get in the SUV with Logan and then we go to the small apartment I had been rented, and get whatever I left there and then hit the road. The guys will get all that's at the house they are renting and then meet us in Maine.


Hey everyone, here an update and guess what, my birthday is in five minutes September 2.

Comment please!

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