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It was early morning when we left the movie room. Logan had given me his shirt to wear over my naked body and he wore his pants.

I go to my room and fall asleep again, but the next time I wake up, I'm in a different bed. This bed is King size. Back in the past, when I traveled around with Logan, I always noticed that the beds we laid in were King size and I asked him why that was and he said, "A King needs a big bed, so he can ravish his Queen." His words soft, sending a shiver down my body, as he had placed his hands on my hips from behind.

I hear the shower in the bathroom, only to be turned off a few seconds later. Sitting up, I rub my eyes, then I notice I'm in one of Logan silk shirts, with two buttons in the middle put together.

The bathroom door opens, steam rolls out at the open door. Logan has a towel around his hips, dangerously low. He smiles at me, coming over. "Afternoon, sleepy head," he places his hands on the bed, leans in and gives me a short kiss.

"Is there any hot water left?"

"Should be," kicking the blankets down, I get on my knees and wrap my arms around his neck, where he places his hands on my hips under his shirt. "I just took a shower, but do you want some company?" He nuzzles his nose against my neck.

"I should be able to manage," his grip grows a tad, but it doesn't hurt. "Any girl shampoo and such in the bathroom or do I have to smell like you?"

He chuckles, vibrating my body. "You'll smell like me either way. But yes, I moved your stuff in, when you were asleep."

"Great," pulling away from him, I get out of bed, only for him to smack me on the ass. Which in return, I flip him off. Closing the door behind me, I lean against the door, my hand rests on my scar. I count the days in my head and can't help but feel my stomach sink a little. Today is the anniversary of this scar.

I go to the shower and start it up.

Logan Past:

We find Ally, she hurt badly. Blood is coming out of a stab wound; the rain has soaked her to the bone. Her skin a ghost white. God no! Getting out of the car, I go to her. "Little Mouse, can you hear me?" Moving her hair away from her face she opens her eyes slightly, but they look so lifeless. "Don't worry Ally, we are going home." I scoop her up in my arms and quickly get into the car.

Xavier drives the car away, back home, as Leo gets the first aid kit out. Pulling Ally shirt up, it's like a second skin. But as soon as it's up, he gets to work, as I try to keep her somewhat awake.

"Stay with us Ally, you need to stay with us. Remember all the plans we have?" Her head rolls to the side, eyes still closed, but I can see her throat move from her heart trying to stay alive. "Remember we have plans to travel the world so many times, it'll be hard to remember how many times." Her fingers twitch. "We are going to get a big house, maybe a castle overlooking the water, with a privet beach." She whimpers softly when Leo cleanse around the wound and around it. "Ally, remember, we are going to have so many kids, that we don't know what to do with?"

Xavier chuckles up front. "I can see you guys have like twelve boys and one girl and your boys will be overprotective like crazy."

Ally groans slightly. "Wrong," she says softly. "Six boys that look like their dad and... three girls that look like...me."

Smiling at her, I kiss her on the forehead. "That's right Little Mouse, and we will love them more than anything in the world. So, stay with us, think of our future and of our future kids. Think of the glow you'll have, think of how much movement inside of you will feel."

"Or how much you'll need to pee, because I've read that babies' like playing with the bladed. Or kicking and punching they'll do." Leo says, not being helpful.

"You might not get your figure back, think about that." Xavier adds.

"And we should really think about getting stuffed bodyguards. That would look nice, don't you think?" I give the guy's dirty looks, before looking back to Ally. She stopped breathing, the rain and chill from outside had turned her lips blue, but now they are turning white as snow, even though the heater on full blast. "No, no, no, you can't do this! Wake up Ally!" I move her so I can get on the floor and her on the seat and start to give her CPR. "How far from the house are we?!"

"Five minutes," Xavier says, pressing down on the gas pedal. "Two minutes!"

"Leo, call the house, tell them to wake everyone that we need in the hospital part of the house," Leo gets out his phone and calls the house, but I don't hear what he says, my eyes are focused on Ally and trying to get her heart to get going. Stay with me Little Mouse! Don't leave me!

We get to the house, the back door thrown open, Ally taken away from me so fast, that I'm grasping at air.

"Logan!" A young girl voice calls out and then little hands shake me. "Logan, you need to come in the house!" The young girl voice cries out.

Slowly turning my head, it's my little sister Zoey. She a pre-teen, going through that slight weird stage of being a pre-teen. "Zoey, please tell me she okay." My voice is raw, as tears start to slide down my face. "She's the love of my life."

Zoey grabs my hand, and I don't know how she does it, but she gets me out of the car and leads me into the house. "It'll be okay Logan," she doesn't look back at me, she's focused on getting us to the hospital area in the mansion.

"I shouldn't have let her leave. I should have made her stay here. I should have taken care of that man a long time ago. Now Ally could-"


Zoey glares up at me. "Shut up! You aren't allowed to say that, especially since this is about Ally! Now come on!"

My little sister drags me on. I touch my face, it still stings. But the pain will go away soon.

We go to where Ally is at, Zoey tells me it's okay to go in and then she leaves, to go find mom or dad or someone, her words started to hit deaf ears when I stand in front of the door.

It feels like forever till I open that door. Everything smells of cleaner. The room is cold enough that goose bumps rise on my skin as I stare at her. The heart monitor shows that her heart is going strong, and her breathing is slow and even.

Going to her, slowly I take her cold hand into mine. Kissing her hand, she makes no movement, but the rise and fall of her chest. "I'll make this right."

Ally Present:

I take my shower, but soon as I'm done, I throw up in the toilet. I always get sick on this day, it's like my body can't handle the trauma, anymore than it did back then. Welcome back to the living, I guess. The doctors told me, that my heart stopped working for five minutes. Logan had gotten it going again, but only for a minute in the car and then the doctors brought me back.

Someone knocks on the door, seconds after I flush the toilet. "Ally are you okay in there?!" Logan voice comes through the door.

"Yeah! Just went pee, I'll be out in a second!" Getting up, a slight pain goes through my side making me grimace. Something bad going to happen, I can feel it.

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