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I waited twenty minutes, till I left the break room. The amount of time I did in there, I calmed myself, disconnected my phone number, put a new chip in my phone, got new number and let the few I know about the new number and made-up some random crap of why I changed my number.

Doing all this, is in some form an old habit, from my old days, that I won't get into right now.

Clocking out early in the break room, I slip out the back door and put my hood over my head. Keeping a low profile, is like another old habit now. Don't look at people to long, don't talk, unless really need to and be ready to either run or fight. Things I've learned from my past, way before my ex that's been looking for me that is.

Walking down a side ally, I glance over my shoulder, but everything clear. Slowly relaxing, I walk home.


You know that one best friend, that you love, but you know they have a bad addiction to something and no matter what, you can't find a way to fault them, for the addiction for some reason? Well, you can find some way to fault them, for their addiction. But for shop addiction, I really don't think there is a way to cure them from it—well unless you take their credit card from them, but even then they'll just get a new one.

Now, them throwing a mountain of clothing on you, that's a different story. "Why the hell, do you have pointy high heels in your closet and a corset?" I ask, holding them up in the air to get a better look at them.

My female roommate Terra, butt sticks out of her deep closet as she digs though who knows what. "Why wouldn't I? I mean really, you know, I have about everything in here." She tells me.

Rolling my eyes, I get off her bed and take a step to her bedroom door. "I think I'll, just raid my own closet." I tell her.

"You move from that spot, and I'll break every high heel shoe you have." She threatens, as she pulls out a tank top, skinny jeans and ankle high heel boots. She then gets up and throws them on the bed. "Raid the treasure box and then get changed. I already got what I'm wearing, so I'm going to go change in the bathroom."

As she leaves, I can't help but make fun of her. We have a weird friendship. "Have to take a shower and shave the winter coat away?" I tease her, with a small laugh.

"Shut it Ally Cat,"

"Love you!" I yell, after she slams her door shut.

"You know you do!" she yells back.


Loud music pounds against the walls of a big frat house. Terra, dating one of the frat guys. Which one, I have no idea. She goes through guys, like shoes.

"I'm going to go find my man!" She tells us, before strutting off.

"So, what is our betting pool this time?" Eric asks, as he leads the way into the frat house.

"Give her three more days, loser does a month of dishes."

"Oh, steep stakes. I'll bet a week and you have to wash my car."

"Deal." I agree.

We come to the snack table and as Eric grabs a drink, I grab a bag of chips. Someone had to be the responsible one, and it isn't going to be Terra or Eric. "I'm going to go stake out the desperate pool." He tells me.

"Fine, but if somehow, you get her to come home. If she eats my rice cakes, I'm going to hurt someone, and I pull hair." I inform him, before eating a chip and look for something to do.

Weaving around people, that are having fun, I can't help but notice, that I'm not really having fun. But I've never really been the party type. I'm more of the, stand back and just watch. I do have fun at some parties, don't get me wrong, but I'm not in the mood for this stuff. The text message I got earlier, is still bothering me and I know that I took the steps that you normally take, for something like this. But still, it doesn't sit well with me, that I got that picture message.

Taking in a deep breath, I chow down on my bag of chips.

Pov: Logan

Sitting behind a big desk, I look at newest pictures of Ally. I've lost her a couple times over the past year, but I'm always able to find her again, thanks to my spies. No one has ever known me, for the easily giving up type and I never will be.

My office door opens, without warning, but I don't look up. I'm too focused on the woman, that got away. But in all fairness, I wasn't smart about what and where, I was taking care of my dirty business. Ally was sort of a light sleeper, at times. When she wasn't feeling good though, man you couldn't wake her up for nothing, unless you knew, just what you were doing.

"We acquired; a house close to where she is." My bodyguard Leo tells me.

Looking up at him, I shake my head. "Good, how close?"

"A few blocks, so at least we can't giveaway right away, that we are in town." He sits down in one of the chairs across from me. "What was with, freaking her out, with that text this morning?" he leans back lacing his fingers together.

"Thought I told you, to stay out of my phone."

He smiles at me. "Can't help it, I'm still waiting for the crying kitty video to be on loop on YouTube on your phone. So, why did you send her an old picture of herself, from a year ago and how did you get your hands on this new phone number of hers?"

"You really, don't understand how bound determined I am, about getting the woman that I love back in my arms and I have my sources about getting her number, so it's easy for me to track her if need be."

He gets up out of the chair. "Remind me, not to make you angry and disappear in the wind. I'll get the moving guys ready, to move." Then he leaves.

Looking back down at the newest pictures of Ally, I run a finger lightly along her chin. "Game is up Little Mouse, I'm done playing." 

His Mafia Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now