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Pov: Logan

I drive Ally and I to a racecourse, that she directs us to using her phone GPS. My bodyguards, and friends, drive behind us. The truck I drive is bullet proof, so we are well protected. And just for extra safety, I have a few guns in here. You never know when you might need extra protection.

Ally leans her forehead against the glass, watching everything pass by not needing to look at her phone for the moment, since we have to drive four miles straight and there aren't any turns until mile four ends. "Does this remind you of our trip, that we got lost on and had to stay the night in an empty cabin?" I can't help but smile, when I see her smile a little, no doubt remembering our fun in that little cabin.

She turns her head and looks over at me. "That was pretty fun. Though I will say, the hailstorm killed the mood that night." She tells me.

"Yeah, the hailstorm was a downside, but getting you distracted was fun." I tell her, knowing my wicked grin is in full place at this moment.

She becomes quite, doesn't even roll her eyes like she would normally and even smile a little bit. She just stays quiet.

"Listen Ally, what happened that night, I did it to protect you. You should know by now, that I would never do anything intensely hurt you."

She stays quite a little bit longer and then shakes her head. "I know that. It was just the look in your eyes that scared me though. You were a different man; you were someone I didn't know, and I know what you did was to protect me, because you love me. But that look just scared me." She says softly.

I've learned to control my anger and my hostility to other people, that come in contact with those I love. But--when people openly threaten those I love, I won't sit on my hands and do nothing, its not in my nature and she learned how far I would go, to protect those I love that night. I can never take that night back and it kills me that I can't, but it can't be helped.

Resting my hand on the console, I have my hand up and want nothing more than her hand in mine. Feel her smooth sick against my callused hand. She is my beauty that soothes the beast in me.

But she doesn't take my hand. She just stays where she is, staring out the window. What little she says to me, is to tell me where to turn and how much longer it'll be until we get, to where we are going to.


We arrive at the go-cart area twenty minutes later. When we get out of the truck, the hairs on the back of my neck rise and it's not due to any cold wind gust.

Glancing around, I don't see anyone that might stick out. Xavier walks up to me, not getting any glances from people. "I don't like this; I feel like someone watching us." He says low.

"Get on the roof and watch the parking lot. Leo will stay with us." I instruct and he gives me a simple shake of his head in agreement.

Glancing around, I turn and quickly get to Ally side. She looks up at me with a raised eyebrow, but I shake my head and put my arm around her shoulder. "I'll indulge you for a little bit. Because clearly there something going on with you." She says quietly as we walk into the go-cart front area to pay and get keys for the go-carts. It's an inside track, and the more people, the harder to hit someone target.

We walk up to a couple of the go-carts and look them over. Ally goes to a green one with a dragon on it and I go to a blue one with a shield and sword on it. As I lean in closer to get a better look at it, I feel someone touch my butt and I can't help but jerk my head up thinking it's Ally, but I'm wrong, it's some red head woman giving me the once over, with a big smirk on her face.

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