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Belle pov

Today was the begining of the next semester. It was cold and gloomy. Killings in my area were on the rise and rumors were spread that it was secretly me who was doing it. Granted it could be Ben. But I now knew to trust him when he says he wouldn't. Plus, he's only allowed to kill someone in possession of his game. Which would be me. But he's being coming up with reasons not to do it. I think he must enjoy my company, or something. Rolling over on my bed I dreaded to get up, I only did when my phone dinged. Ben had messaged me.

Ben 10: u going 2 school zelly :???? You better get up if you are.

Rolling my eyes I sat up in my bed. Ben knew about my troubles in school by now and said he'd find a way to fix it since it was his fault. At first I was terrified that he was going to kill them. But that seems that wasn't the case. He never told me what he was going to do but had assured me it would work. Sighing, I got up and put on my outfit for the day. A simple black dress, leggings, and a scarf that had eyes all over it. I called it my illuminati scarf. I brushed my teeth before starting on my hair. It wasn't bad as I had put it in a braid the night before. It ended up only taking a few minutes. Grabbing my bag I headed downstairs. I waved to my mum on the way by before putting my shoes and coat on and heading out.

I got to the bus stop as soon as my bus had pulled up. The other kids there piled on before I did. Giving a sheepish smile to the bus driver I sat down near the front of the bus. I could hear jasmine and jack laughing in the back. Scrinching my nose I put my headphones on to block them out. The bus ride was long and boring. I made my way off the bus quickly and immediately went to home room.

Sitting down in my seat I watched as people slowly trickled in. They were all talking and laughing with eachother. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Groaning I pulled out my sketchbook. It's something to pass the time, wouldn't say I'm particularly good or bad. Just decent. Before I knew it the bell rang and everyone filed into their seats. I didn't bother to listen to the teachers babbling until I hear something along the lines of new student. Perking up I began to listen in on what he was saying.

"... the new student has just moved to the area, I expect you all to be nice to him and show school spirit- come on in", he waved at the door as if he were ushering in a shy kindergardner. Who walked in nearly made me yell. I was almost certain it was Ben. I guess they could see my awestruck face because he smirked at me. He was soooo, soooo dead. "This is Benjamin, he will be joining your class as of today. You all are expected to help him out around the school until he gets adjusted", oh that bastard is so dead. With that Ben gave a small wave to the class. I sighed and put my head in my hands. Zoning out again I didn't look up until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Looking up I saw Ben looking at me, he held out his hand and gave a sheepish smile. "Call me Ben, and your name? Also do you mind if I sit here?" He gestured to the desk beside mine and spoke as if we had never met before. Giving him a look I shook his hand.

"I don't see why not, and it's Belle, Belle Anne Christany" I tried to seem as casual as possible about it. He sat down beside me and I looked over at his schedule. We had the same first, second, and fith periods, I gave him a you-better-explain-yourself-later look. He stifled a laugh and turned towards the board. For the most part class was uneventful, next class didn't hold much either. I talked with Ben as if I had never met him before. lazily, I made my way though third period then went to find Ben at lunch.

When I found him, he was talking to a group of people who really had stuff against me. He was nodding at what they were saying but didn't seem to be taking any of it in. I figured they were trying to talk him down from hanging out with me. There wasn't much I could do to stop them. The thought of losing my only friend as of current, all due to some stupid rumors, was painful. Thankful that Ben was probably going out of his way to look uninterested as possible gave me some relief, but not too much. After they were done their seminar and walked off, I headed towards Ben giving a wave.

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