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Belle pov

I awoke to the sound of my phone going off. Groaning I went to move but founds arms around me. I panicked for a moment and hastily sat up throwing whoever else was in here off the bed.

"Jesus christ!" Ben? I looked over the side of the bed giving a sheepish smile and mouthing a 'sorry'. That earned me a respective icy glare. I sat back up on my bed grabbing my phone and checking it.


I nearly dropped my phone as it rang again. I quickly swiped it to answer. "Hello?-" I could barely finish.

"Jesus CHRIST Belle anne christany  are you okay??? We've been calling you for HOURS!" I pulled the phone away from my ear. I reconize the yelling as none other than jasmine. I felt the bed shift as Ben climbed back on rubbing his head. He looked at me and the phone weirdly as jasmine's crisp voice came through.

"That's one hell of a wake up call" he ran his hand through his hair and laid back down. I rolled my eyes and spoke into the phone.

"Slow down, slow down! I can't understand you! You need to calm down-" I said, dazed. Her tone changed from one of concern to anger.

"Calm down?! We left you alone in a house with a guy who threatned to kill us!! That whole fucking prank went too far zel! It's not fucking funny!" I held the phone away listening to her rant for a few more minutes before deciding to reply.

"It wasn't some shitty prank! Ben here is still in my house and I may or may not of just accidentally kicked him out of my bed." There was silence and I heard a snort from Ben who sat up and came closer to listen.

"Belle that's not funny, that was all some staged bullshit you pulled with your shitty neighbor right?" I could tell she wasn't going to listen to reason. I went to answer bet Ben took the phone from me.

"Mmmm, shitty prank indeed darling, zelly and I had it all planned out. Granted I don't think she actually thought I would show up for our little deal." I could hear the dial tone go through signaling jasmine had hung up on him. He shrugged and gave a half sympathetic look handing my phone back. I took it and gently set it back on my nightstand letting out a shaky breath. several notifications come through showing I had been kicked from our group chats. I heard Ben let out a low chuckle and move from behind me. 

"Well princess, that was one hell of a show you helped me put on" all traces of sympathy towards me were gone and I felt tears pricking at the edges of my eyes.

I mustered, "why", through a crackly voice that lead to tears falling down my face. He blinked in suprise coming closer to me leaning over the bed.

"It's my job darling. If I don't do this, I get kicked out of my home. And I don't trust those shit heads with my stuff or to not accidently kill the lesser demons like me" he sounded serious and I looked at him. He was about eye level and had a stern look on his face.

"W-what do you mean?.. theres- there's more people like you?" It just came out but I covered my mouth as soon as I said it not really wanting the answer.

He smirked and stood up, "meet me at the mall dollface, I'll take you over. That is, if you're not as big as a wimp as you seem to act" he snickered and turned away. I grabbed his sleeve before he raised his arm.

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