Chapter 2

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We just want to thank all of you for voting and commenting on my last story. We know that we were taking a super long time but school and practice really interfere with my writing time. Again, We're going to keep stressing my chapters and stuff so you guys will take time out to make this story popular. Thanks! ♥



Trey's POV


I finally arrived to my class. I went into the classroom and sat down at my desk. I couldn't stop thinking about Brooklyn. The way she talked. The way she smiled. All my thoughts drowned out the sound of Mrs. Wallace's annoying and raspy voice. Brooklyn was such a beautiful girl. I just couldn't believe that she out of all people got sent to boot camp. She looked too nice to have a behavioral problem. Just then, I felt something hit me on my arm. I looked over to see none other than my mans, Raquan.


"Hmm...?" I said, still in a trance. "Yo, man. Wassup? Why you all quiet?" he said, raising his eyebrow. "Nun, I'm just, I'm just tired." I said, faking a yawn. "Bullshit." Raquan said, smirking. "Look man, I don't feel like playing right now. It's a lot of my mind." I finally said. I pulled a quarter from my pocket and began scratching 'Brooklyn' on the desk. Even though I just met her, this girl definitely had me whipped. Just then, I heard a loud slap. I looked up to see Mrs. Wallace looking at me with a death glare. "Mr. Young, what did I just say?" she said, placing her hands on her hips. "Uh..." I looked at the board trying to see what the discussion was about. "The Pythagorean Therom?" I said, smiling.


"Pay attention in my class, Mr. Young. Or I'll be re-teachingit to you in detention." she said. I opened up my textbook and I began to focus on the lesson. A couple minutes later, the bell rang. I grabbed all my books and I hurried out of the classroom. I couldn't wait to see Brooklyn's beautiful face at lunch. I normally sat at the table with my boys but they would just have to wait. I rushed to my locker, put my stuff inside, and grabbed my lunch. I walked into the lunchroom and there she was, sitting down at the table by herself. I wonder how a beautiful girl like her could be sitting alone. I looked over to the boys, who were hitting on the captains from the cheerleading squad. I shook my head and walked over to Brooklyn, who was reading a book.


"Hey, stranger." I said, smirking. She looked up from her book and smiled. "Hi..." she said, trying to figure out my name. "Trey." I answer. "Trey... HI!" she said, giggling. "Hi!" I said, giggling too. This girl had a great sense of humor. That's how I like my girls. "So... what are you reading?" I asked. "Oh, just a chic-flick book. Nothing you guys would read..." she said. "True. I just was trying to make conversation." I said. "Mhm... so, aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your guy friends or something? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want you to keep them waiting..." she trailed off, looking at them. "Nah, they can wait. Now, since you want to ask questions, what's a pretty girl like you doing over here all by yourself?" I said, tugging at my ponytail. "I don't know. I just don't like to be around lots of people I guess." she answered, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. She seemed like the type that didn't like being around lots of people. I mean, she was quiet, smart, and stayed to herself most of the time. "I can tell." I said.

Brooklyn's POV

It seems like ever since I met Trey, he's been following me around like a lost puppy when he had the chance. I understand I'm hot and all but could a girl get some elbow room? Who am I kidding? I like it when he follows me. It seems like ever since I met him, he's been my main target. Like today in class, I couldn't even think straight. I'm usually trying to get the lesson but today, that changed. I don't usually get this crazy over guys but he's different. I mean I know we just met like a couple of hours ago but still, he seems really cool and I'm absolutely falling for him. Of course I'm not going to show it, I can't that's just me, tight circle of friends and keep my boys on their toes. The way I see it is if they don't put up a fight, they don't truely want me. And that just saves my time from wasting on heartbreak and arguing. I quickly got lost in my thoughts: Trey, Trey, Trey, Trey........ were the words that repeated over and over in my head.

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