♥ The Things He Does (A Roc Royal Love Story) ♥

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"You know what, I've had it with you! You're always being disrespectful and disobedient. Everytime, I try to give you a lecture about disrespect, it's one ear out the other. I thought I'd twice about this but I guess not. Go and pack your things. You're going to boot camp..." my uncle trailed off. Hot tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe that my uncle was actually sending me to bootcamp...


[A Year and a Half Later...]

I arrived in front of my house. The house looked a little different. I took a deep breath and I walked up the steps. I rang the doorbell a couple of times. I couldn't believe that I was home finally. I couldn't wait to see my friends again. I couldn't wait to tell them about boot camp and how horrible it was. There was a lot we needed to catch up on. Most of all, I wanted my uncle to see that there was a new and improved me. Just then, the door swung open. My uncle stood there with a grin from ear-to-ear. He reached out his arms and gladly, I gave him a hug. He still had that same smell, Old Spice. "I missed you, babydoll." he whispered into my ear. "I missed you too, unc." I whispered into his.

Finally, we broke the hug. I grabbed my suitcases and entered the house. The house looked different. It looked as if a woman was living here. "Have my friends asked about me?" I blurted out. My uncle's happy face turned into a serious one. "U-uh, I'm sorry, Brookie. Your friends moved away." he said. I couldn't believe that my friends moved out of town in a year in a half. Oh, great. Now I don't have any one to talk to or hang out with. I can always make new ones at Abraham Stoker. Suddenly, a woman walked into the living. She had caramel skin, long brown hair, and curves like a Coke bottle. "Who's this, Rick?" she said, smiling at me. "Oh, remember my niece, Brookie, I was telling you about? This is her." my uncle said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Angie, your uncle's fianceé." she said. Wait, did she just say fianceé? Have I been gone that long that my uncle has already found a woman? My uncle squeezed my shoulder gently. He knew that I was starting not to like Angie. "Brookie, why don't you go upstairs, unpack, and get settled, eh?" my uncle said. I gave Angie once last glance and headed upstairs to my room. My room looked totally different. My posters were no longer on my wall. My walls were my ultimate favorite color, pale pink. The faint smell of strawberries entered my nose. I dropped my bags and I plopped onto my bed. My bed was so soft, I felt like I was on Cloud 9. I began to drift to sleep...

"Brookie... wake up. Brookie!" I heard a voice yell. My eyes fluttered open. I saw Angie standing over me with a grin. I rolled my eyes. "What?" I said, sitting up. "W-well, I just wanted to wake you up to tell you that dinner was ready." she said. Why was she trying to be all warm and nice to me? Maybe she's just trying to soften me up so she can get to my uncle. That's not how it works here! I'm not the type of girl that falls in easy. Angie left the room and went back downstairs. I waited a few minutes and then I went downstairs. My uncle and Angie were sitting at the dining room table. I sat across the table from Angie, and next to my uncle.

We all began to put food on our plates. We said our food prayers and we began eating. "So, what do you like to do?" Angie asked me. "Nothing..." I said, coldly. "Oh... what's your favorite color?" she asked. "I don't have one..." I said, trying to avoid her. "Wh-" "Why are you trying to talk to me? Stop asking me all these random questions because I don't like you and I never will!" I yelled, slamming my hand on the table. "BROOKLYN MI'AJAH THOMPSON! You just got out of boot camp for being disrespectful and here you go starting it back up again. You know what, go to room!" my uncle scolded. I got up from my chair and I pushed it in forcefully. I stomped up the stairs, went into my room, slammed the door, and locked it.

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