Chapter 7

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A few days after Loki attacked the Avengers were all still sitting around Steve’s bed waiting for him to wake up. They would sit there quietly, play cards, or read.

            “I never really liked him but he was still a good guy.” Tony said breaking the silence.

            “He’s a good friend.” Kate sobbed.

            They all stopped talking as Steve’s eyes opened and he struggled to sit up. He looked around at them then gasped as he felt a pain in his stomach.

            “What happened?” Steve asked them.

            “Someone stabbed you. Kate found you and brought you here where Bruce patched you up, you’ve been unconscious for two days.” Hawkeye informed him.

            “Who did this to you? Tell me and I shall strike them down with my hammer.” Thor exclaimed.

            “It was Lokia. After you left she came up to me and stabbed her scepter through my body and smashed my communicator before I could contact you.” Steve said.

            “I knew it. And to think I thought she was our friend.” Natasha retorted.

            “But… she’s…. my best…friend…” Kate sobbed before breaking down into tears.

            “Don’t worry I’ll have Heimdall find them and we’ll go catch them before they strike again.” Thor reassured them.

            “When will I get better? I want to go with you.” Steve commanded.

            “In a few days, but you’ll still be weakened.” Bruce told him. “Now you need to rest.”

Steve went back to sleep and Thor went to Asgard to tell his parents what happened and to asked Heimdall where Lokia and Loki were. Kate stayed in her room and only came out to eat despite Tony’s attempts to cheer her up. Natasha stayed in the gym training to burn off her anger while Hawkeye prepared for the upcoming fight. Three days later Thor returned from Asgard with the location of Loki and Lokia. He had the gatekeeper beam them to Niflheim and despite everyone’s concerns Steve came with them.


“Well look who it is. If it isn’t my brother and his little friends.” Loki sneered at them.

            “Loki stop this. What is the point of all this fighting?” Thor pleaded.

            “To show everyone that I’m just as strong as you.” Loki yelled.

            “We defeated you once and we can do it again. This time you don’t have an army to watch your back.” Hawkeye yelled at him.

            “Why would I need an army when I have Lokia?” Loki questioned them.

            “What do you mean she’s just one other person that chose to fight with you?” Tony said flying closer.

            “Oh I guess I didn’t show you all my powers. You see I could freeze you all where you stand right now if I wanted to.” Lokia said as she appeared out of the shadows.

            “You’re a traitor how could you do this to me I’m your best friend.” Kate shouted angrily at Lokia.

            “You chose them over me.” Lokia shouted back. “If you joined us Loki could’ve made you even stronger than you are right now.”

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