Running Away

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Elizabeth's POV

It was almost 12 at night and Ally and I where packing our things. Jason fell asleep infront of the bathroom door. So I snuck past him and grabbed my bag. I met Ally at the front door and we opened it slowly so we wouldn't wake anyone.  Once we where out the door we shut it as quick and quite as we could. As soon as I felt the cold night breeze hit my face I knew I was free. Free from Jason. Ally and I ran down the street. Ally was ahead because I don't know my way around because Jason never lets me out.

E: "Ally where are we going?"

A: "Ummm I think you and I should go our own ways."

E: "What? Why?"

A: "I'm sorry Elizabeth I don't feel safe around you. I mean if Jason finds you and me he'll kill me and you'll just go back to being his queen. Honestly this is best for everyone."

E: "Are you sure? Because I think that's best for you."

A: "No Elizabeth please listen. I like you, I really do. I think your such a smart, kindhearted person. And I know you can do better then Jason. That's why I said we should run away."

E:" Is that all?"

A: "Again I am so sorry Elizabeth but I think its the best. I really have enjoyed being your friend."

E: "Thank you, and I've enjoyed being yours."

Ally and I hugged then she ran towards the woods.

Gosh this girl reminded me a lot of Ali from pretty little lairs.

I kept walking till I got to a neighborhood that looked familiar. I kept walked then I got to a blue house. It then hit me. I was home. I started to walk slowly to the frount door. What if my parents don't remember me or they don't want me anymore. I finally made it to the door. I rang the door bell and waited. I then saw the lights go on. Meaning someone is coming to answer the door. I looked down when the door opened.

Man: "Can I help you?" I heard a deep voice. I knew that was my Daddy's voice.

I looked up and smiled with tears in my eyes.

My Dads eyes widened. He started to cry. He brought me into a hug and called my mother down.

Dad: "COME QUICK! ELIZABETH IS HOME!" He cried happily. My Mom then appeared with her hand over her mouth. She brought me into a hug. She sniffed and looked at me in the eyes.

Mom: "Is that really you Elizabeth?"

E:" It's really me Mom."

Mom: "We thought you where dead."

E: "Why?"

Mom: "We never gave up looking for you, they found your body they said but I knew it wasn't you."

I then hugged my Mom.

Mom: "Please don't leave again."

E: "I never wanted to."

My parents then let me back into my old house.

Jason POV

I watched Elizabeth talk to her parents. I can't believe the love of my life left me. She never even said goodbye. I know I hurt her, but she could have said goodbye. My gang was with my. I couldn't let them see me cry.

Chaz: "Boss do you want us to get her back?"

Jason: "No, not yet, give her time, she'll miss me. She just needs time."

Chaz: "How much time?"

Jason: "A few days, a few weeks, a few months, maybe even a few years."

I smiled at the thought of my baby back in my arms.

Jason: "Alright everyone head back."

Everyone started to head back to the house. I stayed where I was and pulled out my phone and texted Elizabeth.

To: My Queen

Hey u :) I see ur back with ur family. Good u need sometime 4 yourself. I love u.


A few seconds later I got one back.

From: My Queen

Hi? How did you know I'm with my family? Are you watching me?

I smiled and responded.

To: My Queen

I'm always watching u baby, as long as ur away from me I will be. I'm so sorry again and I love u so much you are my queen. My world, My life.

From Justin

I then got one last one back.

From: My Queen

I guess I should say  thank you. Thank you for making sure I'm safe. I love u 2. <3

I smiled then started to head home.

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