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Jason POV

I couldn't take it anymore she's been gone for 6 weeks and we havn't talked. She's been hanging out with this other boy for awhile. I heard that their dating. I can't believe the one thing I was willing to fight for left me just like that. So easy. I'm getting her back one way or another. My plan is to set her house on fire and get 'save her' and let her parents die. I don't care she deserves some pain right? I mean I've been living in hell for 6 weeks. 

I got up from my office chair and walked out of the room and went to find my gang. They where all sitting in the living. 

"Get up you shits, where leaving!" I said

Chaz: "Wait where setting the house on fire right now?"

"Yes, I can't wait any longer. I need her to suffer and I need her back. NOW LET'S go!" I yelled.

I walked out of the house and looked back and smiled. When I come back Elizabeth is going to be with me. I got into my car and drove to Elizabeth's house. 

(20 minutes later)

I stood outside of her house. Everyone was sleeping. I looked up and smiled and looked back down at the match and lit the match up. I threw the match at the house and smiled at the sight of the house starting to burn. Less then 10 minutes later the house was completely on fire. I heard screaming and yelling. I saw Elizabeth's mother in the living room burning. I laughed and kept watching. I then saw Elizabeth's father crawl out of the house barely alive. I looked up and saw Elizabeth still hadn't came out. Her father stayed there helpless yelling her name. Then he stopped yelling and died. I can't believe he didn't go back for Elizabeth. I ran inside and ran around looking for Elizabeth. I ran up the stairs and ran to her bedroom she was knocked out on the floor. I ran over to her and picked her up and ran to the window. I opened the window and jumped onto the tree and jumped down and ran to my car. I placed her in the back seat and started to drive home. The last thing I saw as I was driving away was a small light and that was Elizabeth's house on fire.  And the police and firefighters searching for saviours. 

As soon as I got to the house I went to grab Elizabeth and I noticed she wasn't breathing. I got in the back seat and started to freak out. 

Third Person's POV

Jason got in the back and started to give Elizabeth CPR. As he was doing so tears where falling down his face. He knew he was going to lose the love of his life.  He quickly got to the front seat and drove to the hospital. 

As soon as Jason got to the hospital he yelled for help. Nurse's came running and took Elizabeth to the emergency room as fast as possible. Jason fell to the ground crying. He might have just killed the love of his life. 

Jason's POV

I was currently sitting in the waiting to see if the love of my life is going to live or not. I can't believe what I did. If she dies I will never forgive myself. 

doctor: "McCann?"

J:"Yes?" I said standing up. 

Doctor: "Well it looks like...........


A/N I am such a bitch I leave you at a cliff hanger! DANG! If you want quicker updates 

follow me on 

Twitter: @gold_sparkle

Instagram: Teen_Thingy

Kik: Snuggle_bubbles 


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