"You Can't Leave Me!"

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Jason's POV

Right now I'm sitting in 'our' I mean 'my' room alone. I miss her touch. I miss everything about her. I need her back. but she's turned into a monster. She beat me till I bleed. She had a could laugh like I meant nothing to her. Then it hit me. That's how I was towards her.  

No matter what I'm always going to be right behind her. I won't let anything happen to her. She thinks she knows how to run this shit but she has no idea whats she's getting into. 


My eyes widened. Who did she piss off enough for them to blow her up.

Jason: "GET THE GANG!" 

Chaz: "YES BOSS!"

I ran to my car and opened the door and got in. I floored it to Elizabeth's wear house. My heart was racing. 

As soon as I got there the wear house was in flames. I jumped out of the car and ran to the wear house door. 

I started to yell,



J: "BABY?!"

I ran inside and saw flames everywhere. I ran into every room and couldn't find her. I then heard screaming from upstairs. I knew that scream it was Elizabeth's. 

J: "Elizabeth!?"

E: "Jason?!" I heard her loving voice yell back. 

She ran out of one of the rooms and looked down at me. 

I could see the flames reflecting in her teary eyes. 

J: "Baby you gotta jump."

E: "Are you fucking crazy!?"

J: "Only about you! PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME! JUMP!" 

She then took a deep breath.

J: "Bae I'll catch you."

She then jumped. 

She screamed. 

Her eyes where closed. 

I cought her. 

J: "I got you baby." 

I then started to work my way out of the house. 

Elizabeth and I heard a crack and looked up and saw that the roof was going to fall on us. I then started to run. There was a little space that I knew Elizabeth could fit in. I then looked at her.

J: "There's a space you can fit through go!"

E: "NO!" 


E: "I CAN'T!"

J: "Why?"

E: "I just can't!" 

I then tossed her to where the exit was. And then the path between was closed by a part of the roof falling. 

(Play the song 'Adore you' while reading this.) 

Elizabeth's POV

Jason tossed me and then the path closed between us. 

E: "NO!"

I then felt a hand grab me and pull me out.

E: "LET ME GO!!"

Chaz: "I can't do that!" 


Chaz: "Who?"

E: "JASON!" I yelled with tears.

Chaz then got Jason's gang and went back in to get Jason.

I screamed.

E: "JASON!" 

E: "It's been 3 minutes and they haven't come out yet!" I yelled to my gang.

Just then Jason's gang came out. But where was Chaz?

Just then Chaz cameout and he was carring Jason.

E: "Jason!" I cried and ran to Chaz. 

Chaz put him down and layed him down. 

I stopped where I was and looked at Jason. 

I then bent down and looked at him. 

I placed my hand on his cheek. 

E: "Jason?" 


E: "Jason Please!" I sobbed.


E: "Please you can't leave me!"

E: "I love you!"

J: "Elizabeth?"


A/N  Took me awhile and I'm so sorry . I've been traveling and busy with my performing company that I'm part of. We've had shows every week and school just ended like 2 weeks ago so YEAH! I'll try and update soon. Xoxo :) 

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