Prologue: The Sister

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Izzy wandered the woods with her brothers, Niklaus and Henrik. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a braid and her lapis blue eyes searched the woods for any threats.
"If father finds out he'll skin us alive," she hissed at her elder brother.
"He won't," Nik snapped. "Unless you rat us out."
Izabella scoffed at her brother, "like I want to anger father! Besides, you're the one that always tells."
"He scares me, and keep your voice down or they'll hear us."
"If they hear us it won't matter if father finds out, we'll all be dead," Henrik said matter of factly.
Izzy rolled her eyes and crouched down in between her brothers. 
They watched as a group of men and woman gathered and stripped down to nothing. Then it happened. One of the men dropped and the sound of bones snapping echoed through the night.
Izabella covered her mouth in horror and pulled Henrik to her. Klaus grabbed Izzy tight in his arms and kissed his sister's blonde curls.
More of the men and women fell. Their screams carved themselves into Izzy's head like a knife carving stone. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she watched her neighbors turn into ravenous, blood thirsty wolves.
Izzy watched as Marcus, the man of only seventeen who had been courting her, also fell to the ground screaming as his bones snapped. Though she knew she had to be quiet she couldn't help but gasp. The wolf who had been Marcus turned and snarled at the bushes the siblings were hiding in.
"Run!" Nik gasped, pulling Izabella and Henrik to their feet.
She grabbed her younger brother's hand and pulled him with her as the three ran though the woods.
"Wait!" Henrik yelled, his breath coming in pants.
"No, we can't," Nik yelled.
A snarl pulled the siblings attention as Niklaus moved in front of his youngest siblings. His eyes wild with fear, he needed to protect them.
"Run, now."
Izzy did as her brother said running to the village hand in hand with Henrik. Her lungs burned and her feet ached as she tugged the thirteen year old along. She could hear him panting, she wanted to stop, to rest, but knew that that would be the death of her and her little brother. As she plunged through the trees a snarl had her stumbling to a halt. The wolf that had been Marcus stood in front of her.
Izzy let out a strangled sound and moved in front of Henrik.
"Izzy!" Nik's voice called out and she turned to see him running toward her, sword drawn.
That was a mistake as the next second Marcus had her pinned to the ground. A bloodcurdling scream ripped from her aching throat as she tried to escape. She looked over to see Henrik, a grey wolf stalking up to him. Nik was holding his own against another, smaller wolf.
"No!" She cried as Marcus flew off of her.
Gasping, Izabella stumbled to her feet to try to help her siblings only to be to late. Marcus had joined the grey wolf in attacking Henrik. She watched in horror as they attacked her baby brother. She let out a horrified scream and pushed in their direction with her hands, sending the wolves flying. Subconsciously, Izabella used her magic to cause the arteries in the animals' heads to explode repeatedly, before she ran to her baby brother's body. Laying his head in her lap as tears streamed down her face.
"Henry. Oh god, Henry," she sobbed, holding the bloodied boy to her. "I can bring him back. I can heal him."
Nik pulled her back to prevent her from doing it. "Iz, you can't."
"Let go!" She shrieked as she fought against him. "I can't let him go! I need to help him! I need to bring him back."
"You can't," her brother sobbed, pulling her close as her knees gave out. "It'll kill you, too."
"Oh god," she sobbed. "What have we done?"
The siblings stumbled into the village that morning. Henrik's body in Niklaus' arms. Izabella stumbled next to him as she cried out for her mother.
"Mother!" She sobbed loudly, tripping over her feet and falling to the ground.
"Mother!" Niklaus bellowed, falling to his knees as the blonde witch rushed to her children.
"What happened?" She gasped, looking over her deceased son.
"The wolves," Nik sobbed.
The rest of the family showed up and Elijah and Finn ran to their baby sister. Finn looked at her injuries, while Elijah comforted her.
"What have you done?" Mikael snarled at his son.
"Don't," Ester snapped. "It's to late, he's gone."
She closed the boy's eyes and went to her daughter. When she knelt down her child launched herself into her mother's arms. Her mother cooed to her and smoothed her hair.
"Come, children," she said, helping Izzy up.
"But, Henry," Izzy sobbed trying to move to the body.
"There's nothing we can do for him," Ester said in monotone as she made her way back to their home.
A few days later Mikael pulled his children from their beds. Izabelle could sensed something was wrong and clung to her sister while the boys stayed in front of them protectively.
"Sit," their father snapped.
They complied as he grabbed a sword.
"Father?" Finn asked moving to shield Kol who sat beside him.
Mikael looked apologetic as he walked towards his children. Then he turned his eyes on Niklaus and anger flooded him. He didn't hesitate as he shoved the sword into the heart of his son.
The remaining Mikaelson children screamed in terror, horror, and anger as he stalked over to Finn and quickly drove his blade through his child. Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah screamed for him to stop, while Izzy shook her head and sobbed.
This time Mikael hesitated before smiling at his second oldest. Elijah stood up and ran at their father in an attempt to save his siblings. But, Mikael used his sword and hit him in the arm before pushing him to the ground and plunging the sword into Elijah.
Izzy screamed as a sudden rush of power pushed her father away from them. Toppling him over like leaf in the wind. Kol took this chance and yanked Rebekah up along with Izzy and tried to run.
Mikael was quick to grab his daughters by their nightgowns, making the young girls scream in terror and causing Kol to stop.
"What, Kol?" Mikael snarled. "No snarky remark?"
With that he drove his blade into the heart of his youngest living son whose body fell to the floor with a sickening thud. Izzy sobbed and clung to Rebekah's hand in desperation and terror. She glanced up and met her sister's watery eyes. They were all that was left of their siblings, now. And soon they, too, would join their brothers.
Mikael looked at the girls and sighed before grabbing Rebekah. The eldest Mikaelson girl sobbed and looked around desperately as Mikael finally shoved the sword into her chest.
Izzy's knees gave out as her father dropped Rebekah's body.
"No," she sobbed and looked at her family.
Mikael yanked her up into his arms and she shut her eyes. She didn't fight. She didn't scream. She only gasped as the blood coated metal pierced her skin. Ending her short, human life.
Izabella bolted awake to see her siblings huddled around her and Rebekah, who was clinging to Niklaus. She felt relief wash over her before locking her eyes on their blood stained clothes. She reached out to heal Elijah only to not feel the rush of power, the pull of the earth.
"Finn, what's going on? I cannot feel anything. The earth... My magic..."
Her siblings frowned as the door swung open to reveal their father and two whores from the village.
The boys moved in front of their sisters as he shoved the women at them.
"Drink," he snarled at his scared children.
"What?" Elijah gasped.
Mikael grabbed Nik, whom Rebekah clung to still.
"I know you want to," he snarled. "Now drink!"
He pulled out a blade and cut the arm of one of the women. Elijah went to protect her only to be thrown across the room with a force that Mikael had never used.
Mikael grabbed Rebekah and forced her to latch on to the woman's arm. Veins appeared under her eyes as she drank and Mikael quickly forced Niklaus to join her.
Then he forced his remaining children to drink also.
Always and forever
Niklaus, Rebekah, Elijah, & Izabella

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