Chapter Two: Stefan Salvatore

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Izabella's POV
I sat in Alaric's apartment as Klaus taunted Katerina. All I could think about was how the next person my brother would turn on would be me, and then I would never see my siblings again.
The urge to cry filled my small body and it took all I had to not give in. How I longed for the days when my family had been whole. When we had been human and bloodlust had not controlled us.
A knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. My head snapping up to look at Klaus. His blue eyes mirrored mine, full of confusion and a hint of fright.
I tilted my head, making my ponytail bob, as I listened into what Nik was saying. My heart fluttered slightly when I realized that it was none other then Stefan Salvatore. A man I had been friends with in the 20's unbeknownst to him.
"Nik?" I call standing and moving toward their voices.
My heels clicked against the tile as I rounded the corner. My lapis blue eyes met with his mossy green ones. I smiled at him and he smiled back, almost as if he remembered, though I knew he didn't.
My brother cleared his throat, making my face drop. I crossed my arms and looked away, knowing that Stefan wouldn't get out unscathed.
"What brings you here, Stefan?" Nik sneered. "Come to play friends with the man who killed your girlfriend?"
I watched Stefan wince and anger mixed with hurt bubbled in my chest.
"I came to ask a favor," Stefan snapped angrily, his eyes narrowing.
Nik smirked at him. "And what would that be, mate?"
Stefan frowned and looked my brother dead in the eye. "You're one of the oldest vampires around so I figured you'd know how to cure a werewolf bite."
I gasped and looked at my older brother. A smile spread across his lips and I knew that Stefan wouldn't be leaving here.
"There isn't a cure. So I suggest you stop looking," Niklaus laughed.
"I don't accept that," Stefan snapped. "My brother is dying. Though family doesn't mean much to you considering you've probably killed Elijah."
Nik's smile faulted and I jolted forward in case he snapped. My fear was no longer for myself, but for Stefan who was carelessly provoking my brother.
"Elijah is merely resting and as you can see I have my youngest sister, Izzy with me." He smirked. "Though you are right, there is a cure."
Stefan perked up at that, but I knew it would be short lived.
"In fact, you're in luck. My blood is the cure."
I watched as my brother made Stefan down another blood bag. Niklaus was forcing him to go ripper and I couldn't watch Stefan suffer much longer.
"C'mon, Stefan. You're a rippah, this is nothing!" Nik laughed as he tossed Stefan another blood bag.
"Enough, Nik!" I snapped grabbing the blood bag and tossing it at Katerina who jumped.
My eyes narrowed as my brother's did.
"He's had enough, he's only here for his brother. Now help him and let him leave," I snarled moving between my brother and the Salvatore boy.
"Fine. My terms are you join my sister and I for the summer. I'll give you my blood so that your brother will live and we'll leave the town where you're precious doppelgänger girlfriend is buried," my brother smirk and cut open his hand.
I looked at him in horror. Had we not caused him enough trouble? Did we really need to bring him even more pain?
"Nik, no. Just let him go," I plead.
He snarls at me and I shut up. Tears sting my eyes as Stefan agrees.
"Izabella, vile."
I nod and walk back to my bed room. I pull a small glass cylinder out of my suitcase and clutch it in my hand.
As I enter the room Nik smirks and takes the glass vile from my hand. I look at Stefan with pity while my brother squeezes his blood into the container.
"Katerina, be a dear and take this to Damon Salvatore," Nik orders.
Stefan jumps up and reaches for the doppelgänger, but it's too late. She's gone. I feel my heart go out to him. She wasn't on vervain any longer and could easily refuse the older Salvatore my brother's blood.
As Nik laughs at Stefan as I turn and head back to the room. Slamming the door shut and sliding to the ground. How could he do something like that to someone he had once called friend?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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