Chapter Eight

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There's a phrase often toted around our kingdom; If you can't stand the fire, you can't stand a dragon. It took on a whole new meaning today.

"Wake up!" screams Vivvy.

Her palms dig into my arms. I'm bounced up and down, the movement forcing my eyes to open. Sunlight shines in through my window. The dust that clings gives the rays a distorted, brownish tint. Not even that can damper my spirits.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost nine!"

Now my eye's are wide open. Nine? Nine! We're going to be late!

"We've got to get moving!"

I leap from my bed, springing all over the place. I've got to get changed, got to eat something, and somehow have got to make it all the way to the center of town. I should wear something nice. But, damn, there's no time!

"Correction," she says. "You've got to get moving. I'm already ready to go. Be grateful I didn't just leave without you."

"Har, har."

I sneer at her. Vivvy's wearing a dress that goes down to her knees. She's donned leggings and hunting boots, a knife tucked neatly in her shawl. Her hair is parted elegantly into some sort of girly updo. She's fancy-looking, but at the same time, ready for combat. On the other hand, I'm wearing my burnt-up jacket. Guess I'll make her look good by comparison.

"Is that what you're going to wear?"

"What?" I shrug. "Nothing beats the classics. C'mon, we gotta go!"

There's no time to eat. We both race out of the house, not bothering to lock the door behind us. It's going to be a fight just to get there on time! We run as fast we can, faster than ever before. I should've brought an alarm from the garage. They have those in Edrian, and if it wasn't for stupid superstition and paranoia they'd be widespread here as well! Whatever. I can't change the past, I suppose.

The streets begin to thicken as we move onto the main roads. You have your normal, everyday adults going about their business. Young children playing a ball game in their yards. But today, the pavement is choked with the feet of the Tenth years. There are familiar faces all around me. Scared, sweaty-looking familiar faces. We're close enough now to slow down a pace or two. I scan the crowd, trying to catch sight of Niko or Fraze. I see plenty of Vivvy's friends; almost none of mine.

"You go on ahead."


I gesture at her friends up ahead. She's been waving at them for a few moments now. Vivvy leans towards them, but her feet remain planted by mine. I roll my eyes, lightly pushing her towards them.

"Go hang out with your friends," I say. "Don't need your dorky twin brother hanging around. I need to go find Niko and Fraze anyway-- Who knows what trouble they're already in?"

"Catch up with you after the festival?"

"After the festival."

She's about to leave but suddenly hesitates. I'm about to roll my eyes once again when she reaches over and gives me a quick hug.

"I know you don't need it," she whispers. "But good luck."

I smile.

"You too."

With that, she leaves. I laugh at her walk. She looks like a pixie, waddling as if she has wings. She and her friends hug and then disappear into the masses. My smile fades. What if...No, I can't think like that. That's no way to think, especially not today. I can't let that happen.

"What's up?"


I jump, tumbling away from Fraze. He laughs, and I roll my eyes at him. And Vivvy thinks I'm the dork? Clearly, she hasn't spent enough quality time with this igit.

"Thanks," I say. "That's just what I need before the big contest."

"You're welcome, good friend. What do you think they'll make us do to get our dragons?"

"It's not like people are allowed to talk about what goes on in there. If that ever happens, then I'll be glad to promptly inform you about what I've learned."

He snorts. By now we're entering the inner city. Tall, stone buildings line the sidewalks, dragon perches overhead. A few curious heads pop from out of the hay, staring at us with eyes brighter than their fire. I can't help but want to wave. The animals tilt their heads. I laugh. I can't wait to have one of my own.

People in Black Dragon and royal uniforms divide the mass into two groups; The tenth years, and everyone else. There's a lot of pushing and shouting. Before long, everyone is pushed back and we're escorted into the city hall. I've never been inside a room with glass doors before. I gape, unable to take my eyes off of it.


The voice booms from a stage in the center of the room. I've never seen someone with eyes so similar to stone. The man stands straight, almost eating the microphone. Rows of people, young and old, stand behind them in the same soldier-like manner. The green emblem on their chest shines. I gasp as soon as it registers.

They're the Black Dragons.

The Rujan festival is run by the Black Dragons.

My only question; Is that a good thing?  

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