Chapter 10

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Scarletts POV :

1 week later-

Lately me and Michael have been arguing so much it isn't even funny.

"Stop being such a bitch Scarlett!" he screamed in my face.

" I didn't even do anything Michael!"

"Where did you put my fucking smokes you dumb whore? Hay where did ya put them!?" he was all up in my face at the moment.

"Why do you care so much about your smokes!?"

" Fucking hell just tell me where the fuck they are!" he slammed me up against the wall. His hand was around my neck almost chocking me. Tears brimmed my eyes vision going blurry. When he realized what he was doing he let go of my throat and shock was written all over his face.

" Babe I didn't mea-" I cut him off by shaking my head. The tears were rolling down my face. I ran straightfor the room Jess was in. Luckily she wasn't doing anything with Ashton.

" Omg what's wrong?" she asked frantically. So I told her exactly what happened and she was furious. Ashton did not look pleased with what Michael has done either. I just want to go home. I decided to do the only thing I knew I could do.

To: daddy- hay dad

From: daddy- hay sweety how are you haven't seen you in ages♡

To: daddy- good do you think I could come stay with you for a while?

From: daddy- sure sweety you can meet my fiance and we have a spair bedroom.

He texted me the adress and I packed all my clothes up into my suitcase. I walked down the stairs and out the front door. I was so close to my car when I heard someone running towards me. As soom as I felt their hand on my shoulder I knew it was Michael.

" Please don't leave me." he begged.

" I'm sorry baby. But I think this is best for us. I can't be with you if you keep hurting me and my feelings. We've been arguing for weeks and it hasn't changed. I still love you trust me I do but we can't be together anymore. I am so sorry." I gave him one last passionate kiss hoped in my car and drove to dads house.

When I rocked up a beautiful lady was outside smiling so big it looks like it hurts. When she saw my car she ran straight down to me and helped me out.

"Hi sweetheart. I'm your dads fiance Sam it's lovely to meet you." she said quickly. I laughed and introduced myself to her and gave her a hug. As soon as I saw dad I had tears in my eyes and ran straight to him. We talked about the situation and he wasn't pleased with what Michael did but he said he didn't mind that I was living with him. He did tell me that I still had to go to school and finish my senior year. So I went to bed and fell asleep with tears running down my face.

At school

Once I arrived at school Tylah, Calum, Luke and Ashton all ran up to me. We walked through the doors and I regretted it straight away. Right infront of me there was Michael and Aslee having a full on make out session. Tylah came up to me and pulled me away from them and as we walked past they stopped and looked at us.

" Oh is little Scarlett sad she doesn't have Michael anymore? " she said in a fake baby tone. Thats it I am sick of her shit here we go.

" You know what! I'm sick of you whoring around acting like top shit! You're a slut with fake tits a small ass and fake hair and a fake tan! You're just the rebound if you didn't know I broke up with him! Gosh for one day can you keep your legs closed this isn't a strip club! " her jaw was dropped on the ground.

"Did you just call me a whore?" she said in her annoying high pitched voice. She came up to me and slapped me straight across the face. Oh hell no this bitch is going down. I grabbed her hair and ripped three of her extensions out. She cried out in pain and fell on the floor crying. I got down and punched her straight in the face causing her nose to bleed.

" Are you just going to stand there or help me!?" she questioned towards Michael.

" She's wright. I used you to get her jealous and hope for her to be mine again. You mean nothing to me all you are is just a good shag." I laughed and grabbed his hand and took him somewhere in private away from everyone.

" I'm such a horrible person. " I cried into his shoulder. " I'm sorry for everything I said to you. I miss you so much."

"Baby it's okay. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you everytime something bad happened to me. I just didn't know what to do so I took it out on you and now you don't want me. I still love you so much."

I kissed him. I kissed the boy the hurt me and made me cry every night for a week. I love him so much I can't let him go I need him in my life. He might not be perfect to other people but that's why I love him. and I'm never gonna stop no matter what happens.


Hey guys hope you liked it.

I'll probs be updating soon if I can.

Follow me on twitter @GiaanCleary

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Sorry for updating so late my account wouldn't let me in so I had to make a new one♡♡

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