The Cage Visit 1

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Season 11 Spoilers. Also, I published this forever ago on my phone, which is a piece of crap. So, have the first chapter that wasn't actually published even though it claimed it was published.
"I don't like it," Dean says, for what has to be the hundredth time since that morning.
"You don't have to like it," Sam replies. "I'm going to the cage. Deal with it."
"Sam, you can't go in the cage!" Dean half-yells. "That's like going into a minefield that is literally just one big mine. You just don't do that!"
"Dean, come on. It's our only option right now," Sam insists. "The Darkness is free, and we don't know what else to do. Last time they locked her away, it took the power of the archangels. Well, we know where to find an archangel, so that's what we're going with. End of discussion."
"That's not the end of the discussion!" Dean protests. "It doesn't just end because you said it ended."
"Really? Because it just did."

"I still don't like this," Dean says a few hours later, as he, Sam, Castiel, Crowley, and Rowena are standing around Hell.
"Quit your whining, Squirrel," Crowley replies. "You'll be fine."
"We better be," Dean replies, his voice a threat.
"Rowena?" Crowley gives her the cue to begin preparing everything for the new arrival.
After a few minutes of setting up warding, she does the spell. Sam, Dean, and Castiel wait in front of the cage, with Crowley and his mother on the balcony nearby. Rowena chants her invocation because the author doesn't really remember how this part went, and suddenly, he's there.
"Lucifer," Sam breathes, fear in his eyes as well as awe at seeing the angel again.
Lucifer is less quiet about this situation. "What the hell, guys?" he yells angrily. "I was in the middle of something!"
Dean scoffs. "Yeah, right. I'm sure you're super busy in the fucking cage," he says sarcastically.
"Yeah, I am," Lucifer replies. "Because, unlike you three, screwing the world up over and over again, I'm trying to have some fun. Fuck off."
"We need your help," Castiel tells him.
"Yeah, I'll pass, thanks," Lucifer replies, his voice bordering on hostile.
"Please," Sam adds. "Hear us out."
"No! You guys do whatever you want to earth, but leave us out of it. Capisce?"
"'Us'?" Dean repeats.
"Me, Michael, and Adam," Lucifer clarifies.
Hearing the last names makes both Sam and Dean's stomachs drop.
"Adam," Sam whispers, his younger brother just now remembered.
"Yeah, Adam," Lucifer repeats. "You know, Michael's vessel?"
"We know who Adam is," Dean snaps. "What are you doing to him?"
Lucifer gives him a puzzled look. "Um... Well, we were playing Would you Rather, but then someone pulled me out."
Sam chuckles, but there's no humor in it. "You were playing Would you Rather," he repeats skeptically.
"Yes, we were," Lucifer replies, a slight hint of defensiveness in his tone. "Is that a problem?"
"Yeah. Your idea of Would you Rather is 'would you rather get your arm broken or your leg broken?'"
"No it's not," Lucifer protests. "Adam's my friend, thank you very much. And so is Michael, for that matter."
"Your friend," Dean repeats skeptically. "Yeah, not buying it."
"I don't care if you buy it. Just hurry up so we can go finish the game."
"We'll go as fast as you make it," Dean replies. "We need your help --"
"No. Are we done now?"
"-- To get rid of the Darkness," Dean finishes.
Lucifer can't contain his surprise at that. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," he mutters.
"So, will you help us?" Castiel asks.
"No. Can I go now?"
"Please," Sam adds. "We can't do this alone, and we've heard you can help."
"Can? Maybe. Will? No."
"What if we let you out of the cage?" Castiel asks.
"What?" Sam says quickly.
"No way!" Dean protests.
"Why would I want to leave, anyway?" Lucifer asks, much to the surprise of everyone listening. "I have everything I need right here."
"You're joking," Dean says. Looking at Lucifer's expression, he realizes slowly, "You're not joking."
"No, I'm not."
"What if we let you all out?" Castiel offers. "You, Michael, and Adam?"
"Cas!" Dean hisses.
"That's more like it," Lucifer replies, thinking about it. Finally, he says, "Bring them here."
"What?" Sam says.
"Bring them here, and we'll talk," Lucifer reiterates. "Or no deal."
Dean sighs and turns around to face Rowena and Crowley, too far away from them to hear their normal speaking.
"We need Michael and Adam, too!" Dean yells to her.
"What?" she yells back in disbelief. "Are you suicidal or something? Two archangels? No way can the cage hold them! If they want out, they'll just leave!"
"Rowena!" Sam yells. "Do it!"
After some slight alterations and lustful stares towards Lucifer, Rowena summons Michael and Adam to the makeshift cage. They appear in the back of the cage, their nervous expressions changing to relief when they see Lucifer standing there. They both run up to him and throw their arms around him. Lucifer chuckles and hugs them back briefly.
"Oh my dad, Luci, we were so worried about you!" Michael says.
"You just up and left!" Adam adds. "You can't do that!"
"Yeah, your two idiot brothers keep breaking the world," Lucifer tells him. "Trust me, not my idea."
"What do they want with you?" Michael asks.
Lucifer shrugs. "Who knows? They let Amara out. Honestly, I'm done trying to follow this crap."
"They let -- Are they out of their minds?"
"We're right here, you know," Dean says.
Michael looks over at them, just now noticing them. "Are you out of your minds?"
"We didn't mean to," Sam says defensively. "We just need help putting her away again. That's it."
Michael turns to Lucifer in surprise. "And you're actually considering this?"
Lucifer nods. "Yeah, sure. They said they'd get us out of here. All three of us," he adds, shooting Adam a smile.
"Even if we did, we're still down an archangel," Michael reminds him. "And God." He turns to Team Free Will. "You didn't happen to find God, did you?"
"Unfortunately not," Castiel replies. "And we are missing both other archangels."
"Raphael?" Michael asks.
"Dead," Castiel tells him.
"I killed him," Castiel admits, though he's clearly not proud of it.
"You," Michael repeats. "Just a lowly, rebellious seraph. You killed an archangel."
"Yes," Castiel confirms. "It's been a long seven years."
"Wait 'til ya here who's running for president," Dean jokes.
"Who?" Lucifer asks curiously.
"Donald Trump."
Lucifer grins. "Ah, that's my boy!"
"You've met him?"
Lucifer nods. "I told him to run. Promised him a little something. But I won't get into that. So you think that Michael and I can lock Amara away, when last time, it took the combined strength of us, Raphael, Gabriel, and, oh yeah, God, and we barely did it. I'm not really seeing your plan here."
"And that's it?" Dean says, angry. "Amara will destroy everything, Hell included. You're just gonna sit here and die?"
"I don't see why not," Michael replies. "It'll seem like way longer here. Thousands, maybe millions of years. We'll be happy."
"And what about everyone else?" Sam asks.
"They never helped us," Michael reminds him. "I did everything for the angels, and they betrayed me, as did the demons with Lucifer. Even you left your half brother here. I don't see why we should help you."
"Because otherwise, we'll kill you," Dean says, pulling out an angel blade.
"Can't," Lucifer replies. "Non corporeal forms. You can't kill us with that."
"What if we find God?" Sam asks. "Then will you help?"
Michael and Lucifer share a look unreadable to everyone else. It's Lucifer that speaks.
"Tell ya what. If you can somehow find good ol' Dad, we'll help you. We'll do whatever you need us to do. But you won't find him. No one will. So good luck to you."
Though they say it flippantly, Team Free Will takes it as a challenge, and one that they will try to win.

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