Chapter 13: Stay

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Renee, or what my blurred eyes can see of her,  steps back. "Y-you want me to go? Fine. I'll go. I'll find a real family, not some touchy... er... ass butts!" She snaps. She seems stunned, yet defiant. I rub my eyes to clear them. Renee was looking at Ben to see if he would help. If he nods I swear- "You heard Mrs. Lewis. Get out of here." He barks. Renee stutters and finally turns on her heel. She avoids me this time as she walks past, pushing the shelf out of the way with a grunt. She looks around outside, then opens the door. Without so much as a word she struts outside and runs to the bushes.

My mother is the first to reach me, hugging me tight against her. "I hate to see someone treat you like that! I'm ashamed to be related to her! She was getting on my nerves before too, making sassy and snide remarks about the family, thinking she's funny." My mom spits. "I hope she stays and lives alone in that garage, at least for a couple days. Might knock some sense into her head." I hug my mom tighter. "You always know what to say." When she lets me go, I notice Ben standing behind me, looking like he was guilty for all the worlds troubles. My mom notices too, and she motions for him to talk to me, and disappears into the back room. 

"Margaret... I'm so sorry..." He murmurs leaning down to me. "Ben... why?" I reply. "I wasn't flirting with her, we were making normal conversation, and I didn't realize she was flirting with me until she entered my personal space. Then it all happened so fast. I was trying to get away, and she kept coming closer-" I cut him off. "Your hands were on her hips!" I say. "No, Mar, I wasn't holding her hips, I was trying to keep her pelvis from mine! She just kept pushing towards me, I think she thought it was play. Oh Margaret! If only you had seen the whole thing..." "If only I could believe you... but it's hard..." "Please Mar... Trust me." As another tear falls from my eye, he takes his hand and puts it on my cheek, rubbing the tear away with his thumb. I don't stop him. I couldn't. I knew it was stupid to forgive him this easily. "I'm begging you Mar." "Its gonna take a lot more than words Benjamin." I sigh. "I can never know if you were flirting or not, and I ain't asking Renee, so I have to take your word for it. It broke my heart Ben... You broke my heart." He grabs my shoulder tenderly. "Mar, I need you. You are a light in this darkness, okay? You're my light..." I collapse and he enfolds me into his arms. "I want this to be over Margaret... please..." "I can't easily forgive it, but I will try to forget. Stay with my Benjamin. Don't ever go. Promise me you will stay." 

"I promise, my Margaret." He says.

"My Benjamin." I reply.

Then he pulls me back for a kiss, tipping my head back so that I was almost in a dip. I kissed back. It was warm and meaningful, and made me forget everything. I wanted this to last forever. I wanted this feeling with me for eternity.

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