Chapter 17: Snap

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Heya readers! I have some bad news. I'm sorry to say that this book will be very short... I feel bad, but you can comment with any questions you want me to answer in an epilogue chapter when I am done! I apologies for ending so soon, but I am planning on writing another book in the future! Hopefully it will be longer!

*Margarets POV*

I grunt as I heave the door open and walk out onto the empty, dust covered street. I take off my hood to get more fresh air onto my overheated head. The air whistled through the buildings, more noticeable now, since no other living thing is in sight. Ben follows after me, and I hold a finger to my mouth and he nods, a silent agreement to be as quiet as we can. 

I'm scared out of my mind and I try not to let it show. I blink hard to try to fix my blurry vision. I stand at attention scanning the terrain for masked men. Ben does the same. He suddenly grabs me tight and hugs me resting his chin on my head and reaching back and forth. I hog him back for the moment, until a loud noise breaks us apart.

I realize it was just a street sign twisting, and I sigh.

We tiptoe along the road, stopping every time we think we hear a sound. We jog past the garden, and the warehouse can be sighted in the distance. Ben points and I nod. I was expecting to have seen at least one masked men by now. I'm surprised that we haven't. Ben looks at me, raises his eyebrows and shrugs. we sneak to the door of the warehouse and Ben hides behind a dumpster and nods to me, then ducks out of view. 

I slip the mask on my face, and gulp at the rancid smell, and squint so I can see out the slits in the mask. I adjust myself, and try to ignore my beating heart, getting louder and faster every second. I could either rescue my mom, or see her harmed, or worse... I swallow the lump in my throat and push the door open. 

The first thing I see is a giant open room, with one, burning fire pit in the middle... can't imagine what that's for... I then look around and I see another small door. I decide that I should check in there. I make my way over to the door, but before I can get in I am stopped. 

A masked man is standing before me peering into my eyes. I feel like He can see right through me. He hisses, and I step back. Suddenly he grabs me and throws me to the ground and I slam down with a yelp. How did he know? Suddenly I realize that I never put my hood back up. They must have known by my sweater that was peeking through the top of the shawl. I try to roll out of the way, but the thing grabs me by the mask and throws me back down. My vision goes blurry. 

Ben suddenly runs in screaming, but the masked man catches him by the throat. He gasps for breath, and I scramble to stand. 

Suddnely, many other masked men come slinking out from behind the door that I was about to go through. "No..." I mutter. I bring myself to my feet, despite the ringing in my ears and the throbbing pain all over. One of the men grabs me from behind and I can't move. I begin to cry and sob, struggling to get to Benjamin, who is slowly turning blue in the face. Suddenly another masked figure stands before me. It takes off its mask. It's my mom. "Ma..." I sob. She seems to have no recognition of me. She turns to Ben and hisses. I scream. The man holding Benjamin lets go. Ben drops to the ground, not breathing. A voice in my head says "Dead..." I sob and gasp, unable to do anything, because of the arm wrapped around me. Suddenly, the men begin to surround me, and the grip becomes tighter. My mom raises her hand. I scream.


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