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Levana stared at the mirror with loathing. Anger tore at her heart as she remembered the day it had happened. And to think, the offspring of the terrible beast that did this to her, still roams the universe, just waiting to ruin her life, and all of Luna. The despicable creature, no matter how hard Levanna tried to prevent it, was alive, and was as, if not more, wretched as as the one who had conceived her. Levanna seethed in anger. How hard is it to kill one little cyborg? She thought. She had killed so many more powerful, skilled, and intelligent lunars. How is it that one inexperienced, emotional, earth dwelling, cyborg teen wreak so much havoc? How, after everything Levanna had done to escape the nightmare her sister had created, did this one girl destroy decades of effort, in a matter of weeks? Levana did not have the answers to her queries, for all she knew was hatred. She had forgotten all good in the world, for she did not know love. She felt isolated in a desolate world without family or friendships. Her only family was bonded by blood and blood only. Any friends she had were only those made by fear, for the one true friendship she once had, she had already destroyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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