Chapter 2.

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*Sams POV*

How could this be happening? Why didn't Alex tell me? He knows everything about my life with them, yet he couldn't even give me a heads up?

I turned and glared at Alex and he looked kinda hurt. Good.

The You Me At Six boys either haven't noticed me or haven't recognised me as none of them have shown any recognition.

"Sam, this is You M-" I cut Jack off.

"I know who they are," I snapped, accidentally of course. He looked a bit taken back but then shrugged it off with a grin.

"You didn't tell me you were a fan of them?" Jack asked.

"That's because I'm not," I said, a little more quietly this time.

I looked at the 5 boys. One of which used to mean the world to me.

He looked like he was deep in thought, like he was trying to figure something out. Then it clicked.

"Sammy," he whispered, barely audible. The other four boys looked like a train of realisation hit them.

"Dan," I said more sternly, but still a little shaky.

Everybody, except the other people dancing around, were quiet. Most of the boys though, like Jack, Zack, Ryan, Flyzik and Vinny, looked generally confused, but Alex, he looked guilty as hell.

I swung around to face him causing him to look at me.

"Why didn't you tell me Alex? Why didn't you tell me that they were going to be here?" I said, clearly pissed off.

"I didn't know how you'd react, and you wouldn't have come tonight if I told you."

"I can't believe this," I said, shaking my head before pushing my way past them all. Well almost.

A hand shot out to my arm, bringing me straight back to when I was 15 desperately trying to get to the school bathrooms.

"Where are you going?" The voice questioned, I knew who it was immediately, his voice may have been deeper now but I could still recognise it from anywhere.

"Let me go Dan," I said, ripping my arm from his grasps before walking out the door into the cold air, only once glancing back to see the hurt in his eyes.

*Dans POV*

How is she here? Why?

So many questions circled around my head as soon as she left my grasps.

I looked at my band mates, they looked generally hurt. They didn't know Sam was leaving us back when we were younger, to them she just packed up and left out of the blue. They also didn't know how much I hurt her and that I was part of the reason she wanted so desperately to leave. We were all like family, her and I being the closest though. It still hit them hard and for so long they were angry for her just leaving. I don't know why I never told them the full story, I guess I couldn't handle losing them as well.

Something else caught my attention. She's changed so much. She used to be an innocent little blonde haired girl, my best friend and the person I loved most. But now, she has dark hair with a couple tattoos - which surprised me a lot considering she was terrified of needles - and she seemed a lot more confident.

I was brought back into reality when Josh shook me, he had a questioning look on his face. I ignored it and turned to Alex wanting answers.

"Why is she here? I never knew you guys knew each other? How do you know each other?" I blurted out all at once.

"She's my girlfriend." He answered simply. Girlfriend?

"If she's your girlfriend, shouldn't you be out looking for her?" Max stated. Fair point.

"It's okay, I know where she is, it's where she always goes when she's upset. I'll give her some time, she's obviously upset and knowing Sam she won't want to see me right now." Everybody nodded mumbling some sort of agreement.

I for one, needed to sit down. This was too much to take in, this was the first time I've seen her since she left me standing in that school. She didn't answer any of my calls or texts after that, or even reply to any of the other boy's messages. Years went by, You Me At Six built up a fan base and rose to fame, and slowly the memory of her faded, though never completely. There was always a part of me thinking about her, wondering what she was doing, if she had a new best friend, even how her family was.

But I never got the answers.

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