Prologue ~ 12 Year Olds

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*Sam is 12, Dan 13*

Daniel and Samantha's families were spending the day at the park. It was a beautiful day and the two were never apart.

2 years ago they found this big tree, which looked to be hundreds of years old, and ever since then it was their spot. The branches grew out and then down to the ground creating a dome like shape, which then you could go inside and it was almost like a room. 

(A/N: I tried really hard to describe this tree but idk if it makes any sense, it's sort of like the picture on the side except it comes fully to the ground.)

This was the place they always came to when they were at the park, as here, they felt like they could completely be themselves without anybody judging. There were many memories created here, Dan getting stung by heaps of bees after he stupidly poked a beehive with a stick, or when Sam was climbing up the branches and accidentally slipped scraping up her knees and arms. 

So here they were, sitting in the tree, Sam singing softly, whilst Dan found some logs and used them as 'drums'. This was their dream, Sam had always wanted to sing and everybody knew Dan was destined to be a drummer.  Today, they played along to a P!nk song they both knew. 

But today something was different, Dan noticed his bestfriend just didn't seem her usual happy self. In fact, she seemed very down.

"Sammy," he spoke her name ever so softly but just loud enough for her to look up with sad eyes, "what's wrong?"

She looked back down into her lap and mumbled something Dan couldn't quite hear. He gestured for her to be a little louder, so she did.

"They didn't stop Dan, even after the principal yelled at them. They didn't stop."

'Who?' Dan thought to himself.

She continued, "Lacey and all her friends. Th-they hate me and are trying to make me unhappy and it's working, Dan, it's working. They constantly yell at me, turn everybody against me. They never did it when you were around, but ever since you left for High School they constantly make me feel really sad, I can't explain how upset I get. I wish you never left Dan."

By now Sam was in tears, and Daniel was sat next to her hugging her, trying so hard to comfort her. Dan never knew Sam got treated like this, she insisted that she was okay with Dan gone. Now he really felt bad, his bestfriend is hurting and there's nothing he can do to stop them, but he had to find a way to help, any way possible.

"Sammy, you're my bestfriend, and I know it's hard without me there everyday, but Lacey and all her friends, they aren't worth it. You are perfect to me, what they say isn't true and it never will be. I promise I will make it up to you, we only have 2 weeks left of school before you and I will be together at the big school. And I'll make sure they never hurt you then, I will, I promise Sammy."

She looked up at him, who knew Dan could be so gentle and know exactly what to say? All she could do was hug him, but Dan thought different. He lifted her chin, and ever so gently placed a small kiss onto her lips. Nothing spectacular, just a simple peck, but that was enough to send spirals of joy through Samantha's stomach. 

That was, and always will be the best moment of her life.


Okay okay, after this just one more part of the flashbacks and then onto the story. 

Nat xx

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