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Yo, so I changed a bunch of stuff up but hopefully the story becomes a lot more cohesive. Also, please don't forget to vote and comment!!! wolves by Kanye West, Sia and Vic Mensa is one of the things that inspired this. 


I had been stabbed before, beaten, abused beyond what most would consider humane punishment for a killer such as myself. I bore many pains and responsibilities on my back, but the one thing I could never, for the life of me get over, was the one pain that came with being a woman.

My fucking period.

Gritting my teeth, I  take a deep breath and lean back in my chair. I took a sip of the ginger tea before me and tried to focus on the paperwork looming at the corner of my desk, but just as I touched pen to paper, an urgent knock could be heard through the door.

I straightened, feeling for the knife holstered to my thigh. Their scent was unfamiliar.

"Come in."

The stranger entered: a frail older bald man with sallow skin and an extremely agitating sniffle.  He was followed closely by Griffith who offered nothing. No information was exchanged except to push the sickly man towards me in disgust.

 The pain in my abdomen only served to tighten the knot forming in my gut. I tensed more when I noted that Griffith was being quiet, even through the pack link.

I looked to the pasty man before me, awaiting a response. He simply stood, shaking in what I hoped was fear.

I slammed my fist on the desk, and the man jumped before stuttering out a few words I couldn't understand.

"What?" I glared at him and Griffith nudged him once more, grunting at him to speak.

"Th-There's been a development in the case of your daughter, I b-believe I know where she is."

The air stopped cold in my lungs, but simply for a moment. Showing fear was never an option here.

"Get out." my limbs felt flaccid and my breath turned shallow.

Griffith's eyes flickered over to me briefly before nodding and dragging the man out by the collar of his shirt. The door slammed shut just as my body went completely limp. I grit my teeth to keep from crying, but the tears fell regardless. A sudden lurch in my stomach had me running to the trash bin and emptying the tea I had been nursing for the past few minutes. I convulsed over the bin, heaving and choking until nothing but ragged breathing could be heard. Once the nausea subsided, I fell onto my back, gulping down air like water.

Then I laughed. The sound was foreign and somewhat novel, but it allowed a swell of relief to overtake my body.

Grinning like an idiot, I stared at the ceiling.

My Leila was coming home.

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