Chapter 4

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I treaded the deep snow for miles, coming across nothing but barren land and desolation. I never stopped to rest, fearing I wouldn't wake up, but exhaustion was looming. I had been traveling for just under a week now, with very little sustenance. My body was kept warm by the wolf in me but even that began to fade. I eventually found myself in a deeply wooded area, hoping civilization of some kind wasn't too far off.

A growl sounded and I froze, turning slowly. My breathing became harsh as my heart rate spiked. Nothing was behind me, but the hairs on the back of my neck rose as I felt eyes following my every move. I tried to limp further away, moving as fast as I could through the heavy snow, but my movements were lethargic.

Fuck, again?

I couldn't handle another beating.

A sudden thumping sounded from my right and before I could even turn to look, what felt like a giant mass of fur hurled my body into the air and pinned me against a tree. A hoarse scream burst from my throat as pain spiked through my body. I faced a wolf growling in my face, the remnants of a fresh kill still present on their breath and snout.

Amber eyes regarded me wearily as it growled again and pushed me harder against the tree. It's claws pressed against the tender skin on my chest and stunted my breath. I began to lose consciousness and welcomed the black encompassing my vision.


My eyes fluttered open and I was met with a chubby face and the almond shaped eyes of a baby. She had been laying on my chest and drooling in my face.

"Dorothea, get down from there!" A woman shouted before coming into my line of vision and picking her up. She was the spitting image of the baby, though much older- seemingly in her mid thirties. I tried to get up but I became aware of my hands and feet being bound. The woman stood further off, trying to placate her daughter.

I took a moment to take in the room I was in. It was spacious with sturdy wooden floors and a large window facing the bed. The lighting was warm and the bed I was on was even warmer.

"Sorry, she's such a crybaby when she wakes up from a nap. Aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are..." The babbling coming out of her mouth was irksome to say the least, but it sent a pang through me. The baby's laugh sounded like Liliana's and my chest tightened.

The door slammed open and the woman jumped, startled at the intrusion. She glared at the hulking man who had lumbered through the door in annoyance as the baby started crying even more. He was blonde with intense amber eyes directed at the woman. I was ignored completely.

"I thought I told you to leave after you were done."

She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze but then pouted at him. I couldn't help but think it was cute. The baby had taken to reaching out for the man, babbling once again.

"I was going to but she started crying and I couldn't just leave her there! She's very fragile at this age!" The woman gestured to the baby. Then she glanced at me. "Besides, no matter how you look at it, with those injuries she's not much of a threat to anyone. I mean shit Grif, you don't always have to be so guarded. " The woman tilted her chin up in defiance. The mans face grew tense as the woman spoke.

"That's no excuse. You're putting more than just yourself in danger when you step in here... please remember that." He regarded the baby with concern for a moment before taking her and the child out the room.

After closing the door he turned to me, his eyes steely and body rigid. "What were you doing wandering around here? Were you hoping to gain some information about us? I knew Lysander was paranoid, but I had no idea he'd break our agreement so easily." He narrowed his eyes.

"Who?" All I knew was that I was now fully clothed and bandaged - and that the ropes binding me to the bed were starting to chafe.

His eyes practically turned to slits as he growled in frustration and crossed his arms over his bulky chest. He began to pace the room quietly and I was struck by how much of an alpha he seemed in that moment. He then stopped abruptly, taking a closer look at me.

I couldn't help the laugh I felt bubble up at his misplaced paranoia.

He unbinds the ropes on my arms and only one by my legs, giving me a better range of motion, but not allowing me to leave the bed.

"Fine then, who are you really?"

I opened my mouth to tell him but had no idea myself.

He looked at me in understanding and a keen sense of belonging settled in my heart.

I felt at home for the first time in months, and right then and there, I cried like a damn baby.


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