Story 3

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"Do you really wanna do that?" His voice is quiet.

I whip around. He had his arms crossed and was leaning against the door frame. "Domonick--"

He pushed of the frame and stood straight. "Why do you want to do that?" He tipped his head to the noose I recently hung just to the left of me.

I swallowed hard. "I'm done..." The shakiness of my own voice surprised me.

"With?" He raised an eye brow.

"With this... This pretending of things. Things aren't going to get better..."

He sighed. "They will. Once we get our own place--"

"Domonick, that's not gunna be for a long time" my vision blurs a little and his expression softens. Before I can bring my hands up to my face to cry he rushes over and hugs me. I hesitate but I put my arms around him. He squeezed me and I cried.

The shoulder of his shirt, now, was wet from my tears. I try and pull away but he doesn't let me. It was then when I noticed my shoulder was wet too. He was crying.

"You can't be done... You can't leave me..."

"Or me" she crossed the room and joined our hug. I put my forehead against her temple.

"I'm not leaving you two I'm leaving everyone." I try to explain.

"No.." Justine shakes her head.

I was confused "What--"

Our embrace breaks.

"You're not leaving anyone" Domonick says seriously.

"I-I am... That's why I made the noose--"

"No, you're not." Justine says sweetly.

"We're not going to let you" Domonick takes my hand. Surprising him and myself I take my hand away. He looked confused.

They had to leave. "Y-you two should go..."

Justine clenched her jaw "why would we leave? You'll kill yourself as soon as we turned our backs."


"No, you know what," Domonick was angry now. "If you leave guess what happens! Justine and I? Yeah, we think we've failed you, that we didn't help you." He points to Justine. "Justine won't feel like she was the best friend that she could have been." He points to his own chest" I won't feel like I've been the best boyfriend I could have been." He dropped his hand. "If you get up on the fucking stool and kick it from underneath you do you know what I'll do? Do you?!"

As I sob I shake my head.

Softly and quietly he said. "I'd do the same thing."

Justine closed her eyes. "You can't do this Brie. You jus can't. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. Something I'd regret I bet. You have me and Domonick, nothing too bad is going to happen."

I looked at the ground. "I have to..."

"Why?!" Justine demanded "why do you HAVE to kill yourself? Why do you have to get up there--" she pointed to the stool "--and make a domino effect and kill me and Domonick?! You're not just leaving: you're killing me and Domonick as well as yourself."

"Do you imagine the shock our parents would go through? The pain, the misery, the depression?" Domonick added.

Justine agreed, "yeah,"

I scoffed and wiped my cheeks "our parents wouldn't miss us. Not at all not even for a second. They'd be glad we were gone."

"I wouldn't be glad if you were gone" Domonick says.

"You're not my parents."

"Fine" Justine throws her hands up then throws them back down. "Forget about the parents. Your classmates will miss you."

"Yeah, as much as I hate to say it I'm sure Josh would miss breaking your pencils" Domonick dipped his head to side a little.

"There's Nikki, Kayla, Crystal, Kavya,--" Justine counted them on her fingers.

"How many of them would actually miss me?! They'd cry once, if they cry at all. that'd be it!!" I scream at her.

Domonick walked over and picked me up and set me on my stool.

"What are you--" Justine tries to ask

"Put it on." He stared at the noose. "Put it around your neck."

Justine laughed unbelieving of what was happening. "You're not gunna tell her to do it are you?"

I slip the noose on immediately felt claustrophobic.

My death was a matter of a step forward or backwards. I felt queasy. I yank it off and try to get down.

"Domonick let her down!" Justine tries to help me, by pulling him away. All that happened is domonick srumbled forward and the stool fell over, with me still on it. With the noose not near my neck I fell to the ground. Domonick and Justine both help me up. I hit my head on the ground and I couldn't see clearly. My head was spinning. I widen my eyes but to no avail I still couldn't focus on an object without it being completely blurry. It was almost like looking at something while you were under water. Domonick and Justine were all I like clearly see: their faces concerned about me. And honestly I didn't mind that they were the only things I could see. I only need to see them.

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