Story 8

376 4 2

She wasn't going to get away with this. Who did she think she was? She couldn't dump me for some other guy.

I waited in my car across the street from her house. Her bedroom light turned on and I payed closer attention.

All I could see was a shadow casting onto the curtain. And this particular shadow was of my Becca begin carried, her legs around his waist by a douche of a man Robert.

Robert is a dick, really he is. He took her from me. I looked down in my lap and moved my finger along the blade. I saw the shadow fall on to where the bed would be, and what happened next made my stomach flip.

I stood and got out of my car. That ass was going to have sex with MY Becca. Hell no.

I fished in my pocket for her front doors key. If I was quiet enough I could get both of them. I step through her grass, stomping in her flower garden as I did so. I look and her room light is still on. I laughed quietly to myself as I step on the porch.

I put my key in the lock and slowly turned it. I was able to sneak in without making noise. I went up the stairs on the left and skipped the third stair, knowing it would creak under my weight. I made it to the top and I hear a moan from Becca.

My beautiful Becca.

I felt my nose scrunch up in rage.

I stepped in her door way. Thankfully both of them were fully clothed, but Becca's purple sweater was on the floor, recently taken off.

He was on her. Her hands were on his back and on his neck. His hands were on her hip and side.

I stepped in the room. Their kiss broke.

Becca screamed, they both threw their bodies in a sleep position. I close the door and step close to Robert.

"How'd you get in her?!" Becca yelled, furious at my presence. I rose the knife and Roberts face paled. Becca's scream nearly shattered my ear drums as I pulled the knife out of his chest. She got up and pressed herself against the wall.

He fell backwards. Becca looked at Robert then my knife then the door. She'd never make it to the door. I rose my knife and stabbed him again. He moaned and spit up blood. Now blood was puddling up on her blue bed sheet around his middle.

Becca screamed and tears poured down her face.

"Aaron stop!!!" She yelled.

I turned to her, angry with her for being with him. I turn back to him and drive my knife into him three more times. Becca didn't stop screaming. She slid down the wall in a sobbing frenzy. I straighten. Blood was all over my hands and my middle. I looked down at her.

"Becca I still love you."

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