New me💋

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Four Days Later

"I honestly like it here, I mean it's not that different from jax just a lot less ratchet." I laughed taking a bite of my sausage biscuit.

"So what have you been doing?" Brooke asked, we been on FaceTime all morning, every since I got back from taking India to work.

"Nothin, same ole, ain't really shit to do honestly, we don't know nobody, I mean I did get a job on campus and speaking of I start today."

"Come on Bree, I know you not still stuck in the house all day, you gotta get out and do something, you get a new start bitch so do some new shit, this your chance to start over, you gotta bomb ass personality and you pretty as fuck so it's not gone be hard for you, you just gotta take that first step."

"You and India with these speeches." I chucked shaking my head. "But I hear you Brooke, I gotta go tho, bye love." I blew a kiss and hung up, I totally understand where Brooke and India are coming from and it's harder than they think, attention is something I hate, I already get enough of it because of my size I definitely don't wanna add to it, but I guess I'll try.

New start, New me, this should be fun.
I got up and headed to the bathroom to do my hygiene, put on some light makeup, and loose curled my hair.

It was only 8:15am so I had some time before Leaving.

When India and I went to get our schedules there was a couple posters that said they were looking for some student workers to help on campus with and the pay is ok so I said why not.

India decided to major in nursing she wants to be a baby nurse and I major in fashion, every since high school I started upcycing my clothes and I got so many compliments on them I even did a few pieces for my sisters, but school doesn't start for another week so it's a temporary thing just until I find a better job.

I decided to put on something simple (outfit in MM) and I was out the door.

I parked and grabbed my things before going into the office to check in and see what position I was on for the semester. Books? Ok this can't be hard. When I got to the school library there was no one here so I just sat down behind the desk and chilled on my phone.

"Aye, you Bree?" I heard a deep voice say.

"Uh, yeah." I replied turning around, damn. It was a tall, brown skinned nigga, he was fine as fuck, perfect in every way, like god really took his time with this boy.

"Um, you need a book, or something?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, Nahh, I got book duty too." He laughed as he came behind the desk. "Oh um, this yours." He said handing me a name tag.

"Thanks." I put it around my neck and sat back down. Lord give me strength.

"I'm Tray." He said taking the seat next to me.
Boy he smells so good.

"Nice to meet you." I flashed a smile at him and went back to my phone. A couple minutes went by before some older lady came in.

"Ok so you guys must be the librarians for the semester, which means that you're Bree and Tray." She squinted at the clipboard in her hand. "and we have a lot to go over." She added.

For the past 20 minutes she went over the basics and taught us the routine, checking in and collecting books, and all the other things.

"Ok so this is the key to the door, you drop it off before you leave and pick it up after you check in." She placed it on the counter.

"In about 15 minutes open the doors and your jobs will begin, good luck." She said before leaving.

"You can be responsible for that." He said motioning to the key.

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