Chapter Six:

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Scarlett's POV:


My hair was curled delicately into ringlets. My makeup was simple. I was wearing a short red dress with a black belt around the waist and red heels. For the first time in two weeks, I actually looked okay. Sarah had straightened her long black hair and was wearing a short, electric blue dress, which looked amazing on her. "We're ready to go." she announced and we walked outside our front door and into my car.

When we arrived at the club it was busy and I immediately lost Sarah in a massive crowd . I headed over to the bar and sat on a stool. I looked around the room. Everyone around me was dancing to a song I didn't recognise. There was one guy which stood out from the crowd. He caught my gaze, smiled and walked over towards we. "Hey," he shouted over the loud music. "I'm Flynn." I smiled back at him. "I'm Scarlett." I replied. "Nice name," He said. "Are you by yourself?" "Well I was with my friend, but I lost her," I explained. "What about you?" "I'm here for my birthday. It was fun at first, but now they're too wasted to talk to. Do you want to dance?" I nodded. "Sure" I replied. We walked into the middle of the dance floor and began to dance, when I caught Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry walk into the club. I grabbed Flynn's arm. "Hey, I want to introduce you to my friends." And I walked over. "Hey guys this is Flynn." I said. "Hey." Liam answered. "Hi." Niall replied. "Vas happening?" Zayn asked. "Hello Louis said. Harry didn't say anything. Flynn whispered into my ear. "I didn't know you were friends with celebrities." I laughed and whispered back "Yeah I didn't really know when to bring that up in our conversation." Flynn put his arms around my waist. Harry scowled at us. "Do you want to go dance?" I asked. "Yeah sure babe." and we walked back to the dance floor. I could feel Harry's stare burning into my back.


Harry's POV:

I watched as Scarlett and Flynn danced together. Every time they laughed or smiled at each other it was like someone had punched me in the stomach. It hurt so much seeing them together. I squeezed the cup, which I was holding, so hard that coke spilt out and onto my shirt, leaving a big mark. "Hey Harry what's wrong?" Louis asked. "Louis, you already know, stop rubbing it in okay we all know you don't like Scarlett." I couldn't take this anymore. "I'm going to clean my shirt" I mumbled and headed to the bathroom.

 No one was inside so I took it off and rinsed it under the tap. The door suddenly opened and a very obviously drunk girl staggered in. She had long black hair and was wearing a short, electric blue dress. "W-what you d-doing in here" She slurred. "Uh this is the guy’s bathroom" I said awkwardly. "Whoops" she giggled and took a drink from the bottle in her hand. "What's your name?" I asked. "Sarah,” she said “You?” “Harry” I answered. She giggled, before taking another swig of the bottle. She walked over and stood right in front of me. She put her hands on my bare chest. “You have nice abs” she giggled. “Uh thanks…” I answered awkwardly. She leant forward and kissed me, her tongue flickering in my mouth. She tasted like beer.

The bathroom door opened and we sprung apart. Scarlett walked in “Hey Scarlett, Louis said you were in here, so I came to check if you were oka-“ she froze when she saw us two together. Oh god it must have looked so bad from her point of view. She looked once more at us and ran out the room. I put my damp shirt on and chased after her. “Scarlett, wait” I called after her. I finally caught up with her, and dragged her into a room labelled ‘Private’ “Listen Scarlett, it’s not what it looks like” I tried to explain. “Harry, you had your shirt off, it’s exactly what it looks like” she said with tears trickling down her cheeks. “She came on to me I swear!” I protested. “Then why Harry fricking Styles, did you linger?” she screamed. “I- I don’t know” I admitted. “Harry, we’re done. Whatever we used to have, it’s over” she cried and ran out the door. This time I didn’t chase her. I slid my back down the wall and cried.


Louis’s POV:

I stood next to the bar alone, looking like a complete loner. Zayn was dancing with a blonde girl, Niall and Liam were taking selfies with fans and Harry was nowhere to be seen.

“Hi,” a voice came from behind me. I turned around. A tall, pretty girl was standing behind me. “I’m Eleanor” she said. “I’m-“ I was interrupted. “Louis, yeah I know, my friends are obsessed with you guys.” She laughed. “So what are you doing?” I asked. “Well I was here for a sort of hen-do with my friends,” she pointed towards a large group of girls dancing and laughing.” “Do you dance?” I asked.  “Not really,” she laughed. “I’m terrible.

After 10 minutes of talking, it felt like we had known each-other for ages

 “Favourite band” “The Fray” I replied. “You?” “Coldplay” she answered.

  “Favourite movie?” I asked. “Titanic, you?” “Grease” I responded

 “Favourite colour?” “Red” I answered.   “Me too” she smiled.  “Wow this is going to sound cliché, but I feel like we've known each other for ages" "Yeah I know right," I agreed. "What's your number?" She read it out and I saved it in my phone. "I'd better get back to my friends" she said apologetically. "Bye" I waved and sat back down on a bar stool. Niall came over.

  "Hey Lou, who were you talking to?" He sat down next to me. "Just a girl." I replied blushing. "If it was 'just a girl' then why are you grinning?" I tried to get the smile of my face. "I'm not grinning I lied. I felt like my crush for Scarlett had gone.

"Where's Harry?" I asked. "I don't know," replied Niall. "I haven't seen him in ages. “Let’s go look for him" He nodded, and we headed towards the other rooms. We checked the bathrooms and everywhere we could think of. He wasn't anywhere. We were about to give up when we saw a door marked private. We opened the door to find Harry sitting against the wall crying. “Harry, what’s wrong?” I asked. “S-Scarlett caught me k-kissing another g-girl,” he stammered. “She said that she regretted ever loving me, but it’s not my fault, the girl came onto me “Where’s Scarlett now?” Niall asked. “I-I don’t know” he stammered. “I haven’t left this room since she left” “I’ll go look for her, you stay with Harry,” Niall said, and ran out the room.

“Harry, you’ll find someone else,” I tried to comfort him, but failed. “What are you, a fortune cookie?” he snapped. I sighed. “Look Harry, all I’m trying to say is that maybe Scarlett isn’t the right girl for you” “How would you know Lou, you’ve never been in love” he pointed out. “Look, Scarlett probably just needs some space right now" he nodded "Yeah, your right," he agreed, to my relief. "Come on, let's go find the others" I said, and offered my hand. He took it, stood up and followed me out the door.


Scarlett's POV:

i looked up, when I heard someone enter the room. It was Niall. He sat down on the floor next to me. I wiped the tears from my eyes and asked him “What are you doing here, it’s the girls bathroom” “Well, I came to see if you were okay, and weren’t you just in the boy’s bathroom?” he grinned. I looked down at the floor. He tilted my chin up, so I was facing him. “You have pretty eyes,” he commented. I blushed “Uh thanks,” I replied awkwardly. “Scarlett, you don't deserve someone like Harry, who would cheat on you and never treat you the way you deserve to be treated,” Niall said sincerely. “Niall…” I sighed. “Scarlett don't interrupt me,” Niall argued. “Ever since I first saw you, I knew there was something that made me drawn to you. Your beautiful Scarlett, but you don't see it. You deserve way better than Harry”

He leant forwards to kiss me. I jumped away. “Niall,” I gasped ”I don't want to ruin what a great friendship we have,” his eyes filled with tears ”You’ve been the only person in these last couple of weeks, who I could actually trust” I tried to explain. “I get it,” Niall said angrily. “I-I gotta go home and uh… do stuff” and he walked out the room.

This night was supposed to be fun, but turned out to be a huge disaster. Great.


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